Policy Design Lab.


 東北大学 現代経済学研究会セミナー
Tohoku University Modern Economics Seminar

2024年4月25日(木)16:20-17:50 経済学部棟 4F 大会議室
What Do We Get from Two-Way Fixed Effects Regressions? Implications from Numerical Equivalence 一橋大学 石丸 翔也

In any multiperiod panel, a two-way fixed effects (TWFE) regression is numerically equivalent to a first-difference (FD) regression that pools all possible between-period gaps. Building on this observation, this paper develops numerical and causal interpretations of the TWFE coefficient. At the sample level, the TWFE coefficient is a weighted average of FD coefficients with different between-period gaps. This decomposition is useful for assessing the source of identifying variation for the TWFE coefficient. At the population level, a causal interpretation of the TWFE coefficient requires a common trends assumption for any between-period gap, and the assumption has to be conditional on changes in time-varying covariates. I propose a natural generalization of the TWFE estimator that can relax these requirements. I illustrate the practical importance of these insights by examining the TWFE estimates of the minimum wage effect on employment outcomes in the U.S. state–year panel.

2024年5月30日(木)16:20-17:50 経済学部棟 4F 大会議室
A New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation  慶應義塾大学 千賀 達朗

Uncertainty faced by individual firms appears to be heterogeneous. In this paper, I construct a new set of empirical measures of firm-level uncertainty using data such as the IBES and Compustat. The panel data that I construct reveals persistent differences in the degree of uncertainty facing individual firms not reflected by existing measures. Consistent with existing measures, I find that the average level of uncertainty across firms is countercyclical, and that it rose sharply at the start of the Great Recession. I next develop a heterogeneous firm model in a setting wherein each firm gradually learns about its own productivity, and each occasionally experiences a shock forcing it to start learning afresh. Uncertainty is gradually resolved as firms operate longer and get better informed. When calibrated to reproduce the level and cyclicality of the cross-sectional dispersion of sales growth, I show that an uncertainty shock can explain 18 percent of the observed output volatility and 29 percent of the investment volatility in the data. ​

2024年6月20日(木)16:20-17:50 経済学部棟 4F 大会議室
TBA  一橋大学 中澤 伸彦


2024年6月27日(木)16:20-17:50 経済学部棟 4F 大会議室
TBA  東京理科大学 岸下 大樹