東 北大学現代経済学研究会



日時 4月15日 (土) 15:30-17:00
場所 経済学研究科第1演習室 (経済学部研究棟1階)
報告者 福 田 慎一 (東京 大学大 学院経済学 研究科教授
非上場企業におけるコーポレート・ガバナンス (粕谷宗久・中島上智と共著)
本稿では、デフレ下の日本経済における非上場企業のパフォーマン スの決 定要因を、ガバナンス構造に注目して考察した。一般に、中堅・中小の非上場企業は、 潜在的な成長可能性が高い企業が多い反面、上場企業と比べてその所有構造が特殊な企業が多い。われわれの対象とした非上場企業でも、特定の個人株主や親会 社の持ち株比率が極めて高い企業や、従業員持ち株比率が大きい企業など、上場企業では見られない所有構造の企業が数多く存在している。非上場企業のトービ ンのq(営業利益の割引現在価値)の決定要因を推計した場合、非上場企業の所有構造は、財務データなど標準的な財務変数に加えて、各非上場企業のパフォー マンスに対して有意な影響を及ぼすことが明らかになった。ただし、その影響は、企業の業績が良い場合と悪い場合で、全く異なっていた。特に、特定の個人株 主や親会社の持ち株比率の上昇は、業績が良い企業ではプラスに働いた反面、業績が悪化した企業では逆にマイナスに働いていた。本稿の結果は、伝統的にうま く機能していた日本の非上場企業のガバナンス構造が、デフレ下の日本経済では逆にその業績を大きく低迷させた可能性を示唆するものである。(論文はこのページから ダウンロードできます)

第 2回

4月27日(木) 14:40-17:50 (第1報告:14:40-16:10、第2報告: 16:20-17:50)
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
北 原 稔 氏 (日本学術振興会PD)
Efficiency Versus Economy of Time in Multi-Unit Descending Auction: The Role of "Mari" at Flower Markets in Japan (with Ryo Ogawa)
At some wholesale flower markets in Japan, a modified version of the Dutch flower auction is adopted as the selling procedure. In the usual rule of sequential descending auctions where several identical items are sold, (i) the price-clock starts from a sufficiently high price and goes down until one of the buyers stops it, (ii) the buyer who stopped the clock wins the good at the price on the clock, and then (iii) if there are still remaining units for sale, the auction goes back to step (i). In the modified rule in Japanese flower markets, one additional stage (called "mari") is interposed between (ii) and (iii). In such "mari"-stages, other buyers can apply to purchasing the good at the same price being paid by the winner in step (ii). In this paper, we investigate the role of "mari" in Japanese flower markets. We show that the modified rule with "mari" extensively speeds up the market procedure at the cost of sufficiently small loss of efficiency.
松村 敏弘 (東京大学社会科学研究所助教授)
How Many Firms Should Be Leaders?: Beneficial Concentration Revisited (with Hiroaki Ino)
We investigate the relationship between Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and welfare. First, we discuss the model with m leaders and N-m followers compete. Daughety (1990) finds that, under linear demand and constant marginal costs, the Stackelberg model (m \in (0,N)) yields large welfare and HHI than the Cournot model (m=0 or m=N). In other words, he shows that beneficial concentration takes place. We find that beneficial concentration always takes place when m is sufficiently large under general cost and demand functions, but it is not always true when m is small. Next, we consider free entries of followers. We find that beneficial concentration always takes place regardless of m.


5月18日(木) 16:20-17:50
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
稲葉 圭一郎 氏 (日本銀行金融機構局)
産業別経営安定度の相関について (片桐満、服部正純と共著)
ローンポートフォリ オや社債ポートフォリオの信用リスクは、倒産率の産業間相関に左右される。本研究は、財務省「法人企業統計調査」を利用して、Z スコアと呼ばれる経営安定度指標を作成した上で、パネルデータ分析や時系列分析等の手法によって、産業間相関の特性を定量的に分析している。主要な分析結 果は以下のとおり。(1)個別産業の経営安定度は、他の産業の経営安定度とかなりの程度で順相関関係にある。(2)こうした順相関関係は、ある産業と他の 産業との 間の直接的な関係のみならず、それらがマクロ経済の変動に同じように反応することから生じている。(3)同一産業内の大・中・小企業間における経営安定度 の相 関は産業毎にかなり異なる。(4)これらの関係は、時間を通じて一定ではなく、その度合はバブル期前よりもバブル後の方が強い。こうした結果は、ローン ポート フォリオを管理する際や、社債ポートフォリオを作成する際、さらにはわが国産業構造を考察する上で、示唆に富むものと期待できる。


6 月1日(木) 16:20-17:50
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
吉田 あつし (筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科教授)
How Does a Physician Change the Quantity of Medical Services Associated With the Different Copayment Schemes? (with Shingo Takagi)
In this paper we investigate how a physician changes the quantity of medical services to patients responding to the reform of the copayment scheme for the elderly from the fixed- to the proportional-copayment system. We propose a physician-patient interaction model where a physician decides the quantity of medical services first and then a patient decides the number of visits. We also examine empirically whether or not physicians change their quantities of medical services associated with the copayment scheme, and if so, in what kind of services a physician changes the quantities. We find that a physician provides more services to patients whose copayment would decrease if the services were the same as before the reform and less to patients whose copayment would increase by means of changing the quantities of laboratory test and/or diagnostic imaging, which the theoretical model can prospects.


6月5日(月) 14:40-16:10
経済学研究科第401演習室 (文科系総合研究棟4階)
橘 永久 (神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科助教授)
Do Community Management and Co-management Improve Natural Forest Condition?: A Case of the Middle Hills in Nepal (with Sunit Adhikari)
Does community management improve the condition of local natural resources? Do interventions and support by official agencies impair or enhance the functions of voluntary communal management? With 102 randomly-sampled natural forests in the Middle Hills of Nepal, we address these questions. Our data contain the cases of government management, community management, and co-management of local forests. Co-management is the management by the user groups receiving official support from local forest agencies. Forest condition was evaluated by the aerial-photo interpretation and forest inventory. We find that, controlling for the possible self-selection into official support, co-management system has contributed to improve tree regeneration. However, community management without any external support can be also effective. Our analysis indicates that such management reduced the incidences of forest fire.


6 月10日(土) 15:30-17:00
経済学研究科第1演習室 (経済学部研究棟1階)
小川 英治 (一橋大学大学院商学研究科教授)
Stabilization of Effective Exchange Rates under Common Currency Basket Systems (with Junko Shimizu)
We investigate how much stabilization effects a common currency basket peg system would have on effective exchange rates of East Asian currencies in this paper. We suppose an AMU (Asian Monetary Unit), which is a weighted average of ASEAN10 plus 3 (Japan, China, and Korea) currencies, as a common currency basket, to investigate the stabilization effects of an AMU peg system on East Asian currencies. We compare our analytical results with stabilization effects of a common G3 currency basket (the US dollar, the Japanese yen, and the euro) peg system, which were shown in Williamson (2005). We obtained the following results: first, the AMU peg system is more effective in reducing fluctuations of the effective exchange rates of East Asian currencies as a number of countries adopted the AMU peg system increases in East Asia. Second, the AMU peg system stabilizes the effective exchange rates more effectively for Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand than a common G3 currency basket peg system. These results suggest that the AMU peg system is effective in stabilizing home currencies for the countries whose trade weights on Japan are relatively higher. (論文はこのページからダウンロード できます)


6月15日(木) 16:20-17:50
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
国本 隆 (Assistant Professor, McGill University)
On the Non-Robustness of Nash Implementation
I consider the implementation problem under complete information and employ Nash equilibrium as a solution concept. A socially desirable rule is given as a correspondence from the set of states to the set of outcomes. This social choice rule is said to be implementable in Nash equilibrium if there exists a game from such that all (pure strategy) Nash equilibrium outcomes are socially desirable. Maskin (1999) clarified the conditions on the social choice rules under which he constructed a very general Nash implementing game form. This paper asks the minimal amount of incomplete information which prevents the Maskinian game form from being robustly implemented in Nash equilibrium. More precisely, under some mild conditions on the social choice rules, one can construct a canonical perturbation of the complete information structure under which a sequence of Bayesian Nash equilibria of the Maskinian game form supports a non-Nash equilibrium outcome in the limit. Therefore, there is a precise sense in which the Maskinian game form is not robust to a very small amount of incomplete information. (論文はこのペー ジからダウンロードできます)


7月13日(木) 16:20-17:50
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
佐藤 泰裕 (名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科助教授)
Tax Competition and Public Input Provision with Imperfect Labor Markets
Incorporating a labor market imperfection caused by fixed wages into a tax competition model, this paper analyzes what will happen when jurisdictional governments provide public inputs to cope with regional unemployment. The results show that capital taxation has an employment externality. Public input provision is also shown to cause an employment externality by shifting the production frontier. These employment externalities induce the governments to levy tax on capital even if a head tax is available. The degree of the employment externalities is shown to vary depending on the level of fixed wage. Composition of public spending is also discussed.


7月21日(金) 15:30-17:00
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
新谷 元嗣 (Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University)
Menu Costs and Markov Inflation: A Theoretical Revision with New Evidence (with Christian Ahlin )
We revisit a foundational theoretical paper in the menu cost literature, Sheshinski and Weiss (1983), one of the few to treat stochastic inflation with persistent deviations from trend. In contrast to the original finding, we find that optimal pricing in this environment entails using different (s,S) bands in high-inflation and low-inflation states of the world. The low-inflation band is strictly contained within the high-inflation band. This revised solution has very different implications from the original one. Firms are generally risk-loving, not risk-averse, with respect to inflation. An increase in the variance of inflation increases price dispersion when inflation is high and decreases price dispersion when inflation is low. On an aggregate level, this optimal pricing would lead to bunching of prices and non-neutrality of money in the setting of Caplin and Spulber (1987). To test the main finding, we construct an establishment-level dataset from the months surrounding Mexico's Tequila crisis, in 1995. In the high-inflation state, price increases are larger and establishments allow their prices to vary more widely around their respective long-run mean relative prices. Cross-establishment price dispersion is lower, but this result seems due to decreased establishment heterogeneity rather than narrower (s,S) bands. Overall, the evidence suggests that establishments employ wider (s,S) bands in the high-inflation state. (論文はこ のページからダウンロードできます)


7月31日(月) 15:00-18:00
経済学研究科第1演習室 (経済学部研究棟1階)
報告者 1
伊藤 隆康 (新潟大学経済学部教授)
Japanese Long Term Interest Rates――Analysis of Government Bond and Interest Rate Swap
This paper analyzes the relationship between Japanese Government Bond and Interest Rate Swap. The whole sample is divided into two sub periods. The first sub period, named Sample A, is from January 4,1994 through February 12,1999. The second sub period, named Sample B, is from February 15,1999 through June 30,2006. In Sample A, a 1 % increase in Japanese Government Bond yields lead to a 1 % increase in Japanese Yen Interest Rate Swap rates in the structure of 2 year, 3 year, 4 year, 5 year , and 7 year. A 1 % increase in Japanese Government Bond yield lead to a less than 1 % increase in Japanese Yen Interest Rate Swap rate in 10 year. On the other hand, in Sample B, a 1 % increase in Japanese Government Bond yields lead to a more than 1 % increase in Japanese Yen Interest Rate Swap rates in the structure of 2 year, 3 year, 4 year, 5 year, 7 year and 10 year. The market segmentation between Japanese Government Bond and Interest Rate Swap was observed in 10 year zone of Sample B.
孫 立堅 (中国 復旦大学経済学部教授)
External Dependent Economy and Financial Bubbles: The Case of China's Real Estate Market
要 旨                                                                    
This paper explores the relationship between external-dependent real economy and real estate bubbles in China. By extending the Caballer and Krishnamurthy's OLG model in a high debt economy (2001, 2005), we show how foreign asset accumulation in an export-driven economy lead to overinvestment in domestic real estate markets under fragile financial system and managed exchange rate system. Employing monthly data of 28 Chinese provinces over the period 2004-2005, we test whether the growth of real estate price result from capital inflows controlling other possible factors. Our findings show that the growth of investment in real sectors will accompany  with the accumulation of foreign assets and result in liquidity increasing in banking sector, which will "produce" real estate bubbles no matter how different the local level of development among the 28 provinces.

8/3-8/4 夏季コンファレンス



8月7日(月) 15:30-17:00
経済学研究科第1演習室 (経済学部研究棟1階)
木下 紀明 氏 (International Monetary Fund)
Government Debt and Long-term Interest Rates
This paper examines the relationship between government debt and long-term interest rates. A dynamic general equilibrium model that incorporates debt nonneutrality is specified and solved, and numerical simulations using the model are undertaken. In addition, empirical evidence using panel data for 19 industrial countries is examined. The estimation provides some evidence supporting the theoretical predictions: the paper finds that the simulated and estimated interest rate effects of government debt tend to be small. However, an increase in government consumption and debt leads to a considerably larger effect. The paper also argues that, although the interest rate effects of pure crowding out may be limited, the economic impact of accumulating government debt cannot be ignored. (論文はここからダ ウンロードできます)


8 月24日(木) 15:00-17:00
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
秋葉 弘哉 (早稲田大学政治経済学部教授)
Monetary Union, Real Exchange Rate, and Welfare
This paper considers the effects of formation or new accession to a monetary union (MU) on itself ("ins") and the outsiders ("outs") as well. Since a MU inherently means a "large" entity, we construct a large country model to examine those effects in the context of economic growth. The closed-form solution of the terms of trade enables us to derive the plausible conclusions: (a) the terms of trade of the MU improves, (b) the real income of "outs" falls, implying a real transfer to the MU, and (c) the real exchange rate of the MU currency appreciates.
川崎 能典 (統計数理研究所助教授)
金 利期間構造のノンパラメトリック推定と予測 応 用統計計量ワークショップと共催)
割引債や利付債のクロスセクションデータに対して、スプライン基底等に基づくノンパ ラメトリック回帰モデル経由で金利期間構造を推定する手法は、1970年代に提案されて以降頻繁に利用されている。本講演では、これまであまり厳密な議論 がなされてこなかった平滑化パラメータの選択において、GIC型情報量規準の構築を行う。この方法は、非線形スプラインにおいても理論的に妥当性のある選 択規準を導出可能であり、その意味で瞬間フォワードレートを基底展開する場合に特に有効な方法である。後半では、ノンパラメトリック回帰の動学版として、関数データ解析の手法によるイールドカーブの推定・予測法を提案 し、模擬予測結果を報告する。この方法では、過去の利付債データを割引関数サーフェスに変換(関数化)し、関数データに関するARモデルを推定することで 予測を行う。


10月16日(月) 16:00-18:00
Ke-young Chu(韓国慶煕大学校教授)
A Game-Theoretic Model of Transactions Within and Between Collectivist Communities Without Third-Party Enforcement
Transactions have taken place between members of different communities (e.g., medieval inter-city trade, group lending) with no inter-community inter-personal ties or third-party enforcement. While empirical studies underscore the role of intra-community interpersonalties, no theoretical study has presented a formal model that explains an explicit role of intra-community collectivist values. This paper extends the results of the existing game-theoretic models to show that such values within communities can provide a critical foundation for expanded transactions between communities. The paper discusses how some transactions artificially have mimicked such a mechanism through financial or contractual engineering (e.g., Korean chaebol groups, chain stores). 


10月19日(木) 16:20‐17:50
大野 正智 (福島大学経済経営学類助教授)
要 旨                                                   
東 アジア域内貿易において、米ドルが契約通貨として利用されているケースが多い。このことは、輸出入国双方にとって、両国間の為替レートでなく、それぞれの 対ドルレート変動が、貿易収支や物価の変動要因になることを意味する。対日貿易に限定した場合でも、ドル建て取引が行われているケースが多く、「円の国際 化」の可能性を考える上でも、貿易における契約通貨の状況とその決定要因を探ることは重要である。本文では財務省の「貿易統計(通関統計)」を利用し、韓 国からの輸入を例に商品ごとの契約通貨の状況を検証する。貿易契約通貨の決定に関する理論では、2国間貿易おける輸入国の商品市場ごとの特性に応じて、ど の国の通貨で契約価格が決定されるかを論じている。したがって、理論的な考察を可能にする上でも、商品別に契約通貨の状況を調査する意義は大きい。一方、 2国間で商品ごとの貿易状況は、「貿易統計」において公表されている。しかし、この統計は円建てで表示されていることから、まずは、「貿易統計」から円建 て以外の契約通貨を検証する方法を提案する。そして、その結果と理論モデルとの整合性を検討する。


日時11月2日(木) 16:20‐17:50
報告者堀井 亮 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科専任講師)
論題Wants and Past Knowledge: Growth Cycles with Emerging Industries
要 旨                                                     This paper develops a theory of endogenous growth cycles focusing on the interaction between consumers' desire to satisfy an indefinite range of wants and firms’ incentive to utilize knowledge from past production experiences. We show that firms endogenously form a number of distinguishable industries as accumulated knowledge induces them to agglomerate in the technology space. Knowledge accumulation in existing industries reduces production costs, but, as the diminishing returns from learning sets in, some firms start to adopt previously unexplored technologies so that their new goods fit consumers’ unsatisfied wants and attract large demand. Thus, sporadic emergence of new industries generates growth cycles, where both the timing and the new technology to be adopted are endogenously determined. New industries based on new technology reduce the rate of per capita GDP growth in the initial phase, but nonetheless are indispensable for sustained economic growth in the long run. (論文はこのページからダウンロードできます)


日時12月4日(月) 16:20−17:50
報告者Bienvenido S. Cortes 氏 (Professor, Pittsburg State University, Kansas)
論題Regional Effects of Chinese Monetary Policy


日時2月27日(火) 15:00-16:30
報告者1吉田 浩 (東北大学大学院経済学研究科助教授)
論題Is the 2004 Pension Plan Revision a Final Answer? Evaluation using the Generational Accounts
要旨                     2004 年年金改革は、保険料スケジュールの法定とマクロ経済スライドという給付自動抑制システムを導入した。政府はこれにより、今後100年のサステナビリ ティーをもった年金と発表している。本研究では、世代会計の手法を用いてこの年金改革が将来世代に与えた影響を推計し、改革が本当にFinal Answerであるかどうかを検証する。
報告者2Erik Hernes (オスロ大学ログナーフリッシュ経済統計研究所所長)
論題Pension Reform in Norway and Related Research at the Frisch Centre
要旨1. Brief overview of the background for the Norwegian pension reform and the main element decided so far.
2. Current research at the Frisch Centre on issues which are related to the reform. This includes both ongoing and recently started research. The idea is to provide information on what we are doing, so you can assess in which areas it will be useful to cooperate.
3. Some more detail and research results on one issue.


3月16日(金) 14:40-17:50 (第1報告:14:40-16:10、第2報告: 16:20-17:50)
経済学研究科第21演習室 (文科系総合研究棟10階)
浅野 貴央 氏 (日本学術振興会特別研究員)
Precautionary Principle and the Optimal Timing of Environmental Policy under Knightian Uncertainty
We consider a problem in environmental policy design by applying optimal stopping rules. The purposes of this paper are (1) to provide an economic foundation for the precautionary principle and the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, (2) to derive the optimal timing rule that governments should adopt in order to deal with emissions of SO_2 or CO_2 and increases in greenhouse gas concentrations under Knightian uncertainty in continuous time, and (3) to show that this optimal timing rule has a reservation property. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of an increase in Knightian uncertainty on the optimal timing of adopting some environmental policy.
堀 元 氏 (創価大学経済学部教授)
Nonpaternalistic Altruism and Functional Interdependence of Social Preferences
Utility functions embodying nonpaternalistic altruism can be regarded as being generated through social interactions among altruistic individuals. As such, they show an important interdependence. Assuming linear altruism, the paper shows the following. First, there is a monotone relation between the degrees of altruism and the similarity of different individuals’ utility functions. Second, different individuals’ utility functions approach a common function as the degrees of altruism approach a limit if all the individuals are altruistically connected. Third, pathological situations can arise if the altruistic relations are one-directional. Fourth, theset of Pareto optimal allocations shrinks as the degrees of altruism increase.