Research Center for Policy Design


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2024.01.16  ベガルタ仙台のバンコクFC(タイ)と包括連携協定締結


2024.01.12  ベガルタ仙台とバンコクFCの包括連携協定締結

経済学研究科 お知らせ

2024.01.09  【東北大学経済学部】経済学やデータサイエンスを学び社会問題を解決する|最適な社会制度や政策をデザインする


2023.12.25  第29回 再生可能エネルギー等に関する規制等の総点検タスクフォース


-004 Substitution of Human and Physical Capitals in Farm Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures: Evidence from Corn Yields in US
柯 宜均, 内田 真輔, 日引 聡
Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks
丹後 健人, 中園 善行
-002 寡占における中間財関税:参入、異質性、需要曲率 Input Tariff in Oligopoly: Entry, Heterogeneity, and Demand Curvature
荒 知宏
-001 垂直寡占下での中間財の内外延への関税:理論と実証 Tariffs on Input Trade Margins under Vertical Oligopoly: Theory and Evidence
荒 知宏
2023 TUPD-2023-0** ▶ クリックして全表示 

014 Regional Policies’ Impacts on Urban Migration: Evidence from Special Economic Zones in China Shutong Zhang, 永易 淳
013 Financial Systemic Risk behind Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from China Jingyi Tian, 永易 淳
012 The Effect of Bank Recapitalization Policy on Credit Allocation, Investment, and Productivity: Evidence from a Banking Crisis in Japan 笠原 博幸, 澤田 康幸, 鈴木 通雄
011 Trade with Search Frictions: Identifying New Gains from Trade 荒 知宏
010 Information Effects of Monetary Policy棚原 佑介, 丹後 健人, 中園 善行
009 Regional dependencies and local spillovers: Insights from commuter flowsMelanie Krause, Sebastian Kripfganz
008 生活保護制度の出口政策と労働インセンティブ 湯田 道生
007 Identification and Estimation of Production Function with Unobserved Heterogeneity笠原 博幸, Paul Schrimpf, 鈴木 通雄
006 The Impacts of Climate Change on Farmers and Indigenous Peoples’ Consumption: Evidence from Panama Ambar Lineth Chavez Espinosa, 日引 聡
005 How Does Flood Affect Children Differently? The Impact of Flood on Children’s Education, Labor, Food Consumption, and Cognitive Development
Chinh Thi Tuyet Mai, 日引 聡
004 A Bayesian analysis of vegetable production in Japan日引 聡, 宮脇 幸治
003 Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks 丹後 健人, 中園 善行
002 A Dynamic Analysis of Chinese Yuan (RMB) Internationalization with Bayesian-Based Time Series Model Zihe Li, 永易 淳
001 *22-04改訂版 Optimal Inspection under Moral Hazard and Limited Liability of Polluter 新熊 隆嘉, 日引 聡, 澤田 英司

2022 TUPD-2022-0** ▶ クリックして全表示 

019 Expenditure Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic 菊池 淳一、長尾 遼也、中園 善行
018 Willingness to Pay for Pesticide-free Vegetables: A Trade-off between Appearance and Pesticide Use 野原 克仁
017 *001 改訂版両側異質性:中間財貿易への新しい含意 Two-sided Heterogeneity: New Implications for Input Trade 荒 知宏
016 Are Public Employees and People with High Public Service Motivation Risk-Averse? 林 嶺那、森川 想、小島 健、鶴田 まなみ
015 When the Celtic Tiger relaxed its corporate tax bite: An analysis of the effects on the top and upper middle income shares in Ireland Niklas Uliczka
014 Tax Salience and Attention Variation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment 石田 森里、中園 善行
013 Excess Liquidity against Predation 図斎 大
012 Revelation principle under strategic uncertainty: application to financial contracts with limited liability 図斎 大
011 Adjustment costs in dynamically optimal pricing of a network good 図斎 大
010 The Quantity Quality Trade-off of Children and Quality of High School 暮石 渉、若林 緑、Colin McKenzie、坂田 圭
009 Financial relief policy and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic Cody Yu-Ling Hsiao, Stanley Iat-Meng Ko, and Nan Zhou
008 フリーライダー問題と主権保護 Free-Rider Problem and Sovereignty Protection 松島 斉
007 The Role of Venture Capital in an Endogenously Growing Economy Peichang Zhang
006 ardl: Estimating autoregressive distributed lag and equilibrium correction models Sebastian Kripfganz, and Daniel C. Schneider
005 Non-point source pollution control policy for stochastic but constant environmental damage 澤田 英司、新熊 隆嘉、日引 聡
004 Optimal Inspection under Moral Hazard and Limited Liability of Polluter 新熊 隆嘉、日引 聡、澤田 英司
003 Economic variable selection 宮脇 幸治、Steven N. MacEachern
002 アジアの潜在成長力に対する「高齢化税」 The Aging Tax on Potential Growth in Asia Tran Quang-Thanh
001 両側異質性:中間財貿易への新しい含意 Two-sided Heterogeneity: New Implications for Input Trade 荒 知宏

2021 TUPD-2021-0** ▶ クリックして全表示

012 Capacity to Adapt to Temperature Effects on Crop Yields: Evidence from Rice Production in Japan 柯 宜均、内田 真輔、日引 聡
011 Natural Disasters, Social Isolation and Alcohol Consumption in the Long Run: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake 柿本 大輝、内田 真輔
010 部分的株式所有を伴う企業間提携の理論分析 森田 穂高、秋山 薫平、荒 知宏、野口 翔右、Arghya Ghosh (アーゴ・ゴーシュ)
009 Estimating the Effects of Regulating University Face-to-Face Lectures on the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Japan 岡地 迪尚、尹 海圓
008 Optimal Tariffs when the Trade Elasticity Varies 荒 知宏
007 Natural Disasters and Firm Selection: Heterogeneous Effects of Flooding Events on Manufacturing Sectors in Japan 吉田 惇、内田 真輔、野原 克仁、日引 聡
006 The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Income Inequality: A Synthetic Control Analysis Gabriel Fuentes Cordoba & Niklas Uliczka
005 The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Top Income Shares Niklas Uliczka
004 Dishonesty and Future Public Servant’s Identity 小島 健、鶴田 まなみ、林 嶺那、森川 想
003 Lyapunov’s direct method for stability of a set and its transitivity under a differential inclusion 図斎 大
002 Evolutionary dynamics in heterogeneous populations: a general framework for an arbitrary type distribution 図斎 大
001 Using contingent behavior analysis to estimate benefits from coral reefs in Kume Island, Japan: A Poisson-inverse Gaussian approach with on-site correction
野原 克仁、生川 雅紀、日引 聡