Policy Design Lab.


 東北大学 現代経済学研究会セミナー
Tohoku University Modern Economics Seminar


2024.07.25 (THU) 16:20-17:50
Title: Culture, Gender, and Structural Transformation: The Case of Turkey 東北大学  久保田 荘 准教授
In this article, I propose a macroeconomic approach to measure cross-country cultural differences. This method is applied to explain the drastic decline in the Turkish female employment rate over a half-century. I construct a quantitative general equilibrium model of worker allocation by industry and gender. A cross-country simulation finds that Turkish families' social stigma due to female employment is 39% higher than that of families in the United States. Its magnitude is comparable to that in Egypt but is significantly higher than in Greece. I also find consistent microeconometric evidence in the European Social Survey and the Demographic and Health Survey.

当研究会について About us:
Since 2006, the Tohoku University Department of Economics has hosted a seminar series inviting economists actively engaged in research publishable in top international economics journals. If you're interested in this, feel free to join our seminar. Participation is open to all, with no restrictions.
使用言語 Language:
English is the primary language for the seminar, but feel free to ask questions in Japanese.

お問い合わせ・東北大学外の方でオンラインでの参加をご希望の方は tohoku_modern_econ@grp.tohoku.ac.jp までご連絡ください ※@は半角

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