Policy Design Lab.


 東北大学 現代経済学研究会セミナー
Tohoku University Modern Economics Seminar


2025.02.13 (THU) 14:00-15:30
Title: 戦略的不確実性と確率的洗練 (Strategic Uncertainty and Probabilistic Sophistication, Joint with Masaki Aoyagi and Naoko Nishimura)
信州大学  舛田 武仁

This paper uses novel laboratory experiments to study subjects’ assessment of uncertainty resulting from action choice in Stag-Hunt and Prisoners’ Dilemma games played by other subjects in an earlier session. We examine if the subjects’ matching probabilities satisfy monotonicity, which requires that the probability weight placed on the action choice of a single player to be at least as large as the weight placed on the corresponding action profile. We find that a substantial fraction of subjects violate monotonicity for the coordination profiles of the games. The result contrasts sharply with their matching probabilities of non-strategic uncertainty created by other subjects in the form of Ellsberg urns, and suggests that they perceive strategic uncertainty created by a pair of players to come from a different source from that created by a single player.

当研究会について About us:
Since 2006, the Tohoku University Department of Economics has hosted a seminar series inviting economists actively engaged in research publishable in top international economics journals. If you're interested in this, feel free to join our seminar. Participation is open to all, with no restrictions.
使用言語 Language:
English is the primary language for the seminar, but feel free to ask questions in Japanese.

お問い合わせ・東北大学外の方でオンラインでの参加をご希望の方は tohoku_modern_econ@grp.tohoku.ac.jp までご連絡ください ※@は半角

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