研 究 成 果

12.12 The transmission of monetary policy shocks: Evidence from Japan, Ritsu Yano, Yoshiyuki Nakazono, Kento Tango. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 75(101349)
10.19 Golfing CEOs , Yutaro Izumi, Hitoshi Shigeoka, Masayuki Yagasaki. Labour Economics, 91(102639)
10.21 Highway havens for hidden horrors: Expressway connections and child trafficking in China , Xinyan Liu, Yu Bai, Yanjun Li, Yajie Sun. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 228(106765)
08.11 Using contingent behaviour analysis to estimate benefits from coral reefs in Kume Island, Japan: A Poisson-inverse Gaussian approach with on-site correction, Katsuhito Nohara, Masaki Narukawa, Akira Hibiki. The Australian Journal of Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics , 68(4), 752-768
07.07 Are fuel taxes redundant when an emission tax is introduced for life-cycle emissions?, Hiroaki Ino, Toshihiro Matsumura. Economics Letters, Volume 241, August 2024, 111842
07.04 Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan, Toshi H. Arimura, Akira Hibiki. SPRINGER NATURE LINK Open Access Textbook
06.06 A Bayesian Analysis of Vegetable Production in Japan, Akira Hibiki, Koji Miyawaki. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics
01.18 Willingness to pay for pesticide-free vegetables in Hokkaido, Japan: the relationship between appearance and pesticide use, Katsuhito Nohra. nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(12)
11.24 The effect of bank recapitalization policy on credit allocation, investment, and productivity: Evidence from a banking crisis in Japan, Hiroyuki Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada, Michio Suzuki. Journal of Banking & Finance, 158(107047)
11.23 The effect of environmental degradation on self-reported health: the role of renewable energy consumption Julide Yildirim, Barış Alpaslan, Aysenur Karakas-Aydinbakar, Akira Hibiki. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31, 343–356
08.06 Information effects of monetary policy, Yusuke Tanahara, Kento Tango,Yoshiyuki Nakazono. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 70(101276)
12.28 Two-sided heterogeneity: New implications for input trade, Tomohiro Ara. Review of International Economics, 31(3), 1032–1067
12.25 When the Celtic Tiger relaxed its corporate tax bite: An analysis of effects on top and upper middle income shares in Ireland, Niklas Uliczka. Economics Letters, 222(110933)
12.24 Expenditure responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Junichi Kikuchi, Ryoya Nagao, Yoshiyuki Nakazono. Japan and the World Economy, 65(101174)
11.28 Can the Carbon Emission Trading Scheme Influence Industrial Green Production in China?, Guang Chen, Akira Hibiki. Sustainability 2022, 14(23), 15829
07.22 Birth Order, Gender, and the Parental Investment Gap among Children, Kei Sakata, Colin McKenzie, Wataru Kureishi, Midori Wakabayashi. The Singapore Economic Review
05.28 気候変動適応策の現状と課題 ―適応格差の是正に向けた政策視点―, 内田 真輔. J-STAGE 環境経済・政策研究, 15(1), 21-28
05.27 The aging tax on potential growth in AsiaQuang-ThanhTran. Journal of Asian Economics, 81(101495)
05.16 Tributes to Bill Sandholm, Dai Zusai, Ryoji Sawa, Man Wah Cheung, Ratul Lahkar, Jiabin Wu. Journal of Dynamics and Games (JDG) 9(4)
04.12 Cities and biodiversity: Spatial efficiency of land use, Jun Yoshida, Tatsuhito Kono. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 197, 685-705
04.01 AHP およびハフモデルを用いた北海道観光の分析, 野原 克仁. J-STAGE 観光研究, 33(1), 19-30
01.21 Optimal Land Use Regulation for Human–Coyote Conflicts in the Denver Metropolitan Area, Jun Yoshida, Tatsuhito Kono. Sustainability 2022, 14(3), 1210
01.21 An opaque selling scheme to reduce shortage and wastage in perishable inventory systems, Katsunobu Sasanuma, Akira Hibiki, Thomas Sexton. Operations Research Perspectives, 9(100220)
10.16 Time preferences over the life cycle and household saving puzzles, Wataru Kureishi, Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz, Hitoshi Tsujiyama, Midori Wakabayashi. Journal of Monetary Economics 124, 123-139 and SAFE Working Paper, 267
08.19 Does a Mother's Early Return to Work after Childbirth Improve Her Future Employment Status?, Wataru Kureishi, Colin McKenzie, Kei Sakata, Midori Wakabayashi. Asian Economic Journal 35 (3), 215-245

書 籍
Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan
Toshi H. Arimura & Akira Hibiki
『入門 環境経済学―脱炭素時代の課題と最適解 新版』
早稲田大学 有村俊秀 教授・日引 聡 教授 著