Research Center for Policy Design


 TUPD Discussion Papers

-010 AI and Financial Systemic Risk in the Global Market
Jingyi Tian, 永易 淳
Using contingent behavior analysis to estimate benefits from coral reefs in Kume Island, Japan: A Poisson-inverse Gaussian approach with on-site correction
野原 克仁, 生川 雅紀, 日引 聡
-008 An Analytical Model of Search and Bargaining with Divisible Money
神谷 和也, 久保田 荘
-007 Strategy-proof and anonymous allocation mechanisms in economies with an indivisible good
趙 震
-006 Discrimination against birth month in the hiring process? The case of Japanese professional baseball
家舗 弘志
-005 Norms and Emotions
Hiroki Saruya, 矢ケ崎 将之
-004 Substitution of Human and Physical Capitals in Farm Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures: Evidence from Corn Yields in US
柯 宜均, 内田 真輔, 日引 聡
Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks
丹後 健人, 中園 善行
-002 寡占における中間財関税:参入、異質性、需要曲率 Input Tariff in Oligopoly: Entry, Heterogeneity, and Demand Curvature
荒 知宏, Arpita Chatterjee, Arghya Ghosh, 張 紅詠
-001 垂直寡占下での中間財の内外延への関税:理論と実証 Tariffs on Input Trade Margins under Vertical Oligopoly: Theory and Evidence
荒 知宏, Arpita Chatterjee, Arghya Ghosh, 張 紅詠

» 2023年