DEC06 D P Discussion Paper 014 & 015  by Ambar Lineth Chavez Espinosa & Prof. Akira Hibiki
DEC05 EVENT DEI Center× Modern Economics Seminar Prof. E. Usui, a panel discussion featuring experts
DEC05 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. M. Yagasaki
DEC02 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-013 by Dr. Michio Yuda
NOV29 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-012 by Prof. Yoshiyuki Nakazono, Visiting Professor
NOV21 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. T. Kurozumi, Bank of Japan and Dr. M. Katagiri, Hosei University
OCT31 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Koichiro Onish and Dr. Yuta Toyama, Waseda University
OCT25 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Reona Hagiwara, Waseda University
OCT21 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-011 "Highway havens for hidden horrors: Expressway connections and child trafficking in China" by Xinyan Liu, Y. Bai, Y. Li, & Y. Sun published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
OCT10 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-010 "AI and Financial Systemic Risk in the Global Market" by Jingyi Tian and Prof. Jun Nagayasu
OCT03 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Matthias Schlegl, Sophia University and Dr. Wenjiao Hu, Hitotsubashi University
SEP10 EVENT RoMacS Workshop VIII
SEP06 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-008 "An Analytical Model of Search and Bargaining with Divisible Money" by Prof. Kazuya Kamiya, Kobe University and Dr. So Kubota, Associate Prof.
SEP05 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-007 "Strategy-proof and anonymous allocation mechanisms in economies with an indivisible good" by Zhen Zhao
AUG11 NEWS Using contingent behaviour analysis to estimate benefits from coral reefs in Kume Island, Japan: A Poisson-inverse Gaussian approach with on-site correction by Katsuhito Nohara, Masaki Narukawa, and Akira Hibiki published in WILEY The Australian Journal of Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-009 revised on September 24, 2024
AUG01 EVENT Joint Workshop TU Research Center for Policy Design × Faculty of Economics, Nagoya City University
JUL25 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. So Kubota, Tohoku University
JUL10 NEWS Prof. Hibiki joined Graduate School of Economics and Management Signs a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with SENDAI 89ERS
JUL07 NEWS Prof. Ino's paper has been accepted by Economics Letters
JUL04 NEWS Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan by Toshi H. Arimura and Akira Hibiki, Open Access on SPRINGER LINKS
JUN27 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Daiki Kishishita, Tokyo University of Science
JUN24 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-006 "Discrimination against birth month in the hiring process? The case of Japanese professional baseball" by Koji Yashiki
JUN20 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Nobuhiko Nakazawa, Hitotsubashi University
JUN17 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-005 "Norms and Emotions" by Dr. Hiroki Saruya and Dr. Masayuki Yagasaki
JUN06 NEWS Discussion Paper TUPD-2023-004 "A Bayesian Analysis of Vegetable Production in Japan" by Akira Hibiki and Koji Miyawaki published in Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics
MAY30 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Tatsuro Senga, Keio University
MAY27 EVENT Ph.D. Students Seminar, w/z Dr. Pak Hung Lam, The Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, Duke University
APR25 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, by Dr. Shoya Ishimaru, Hitotsubashi University
MAR28 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-004 "Substitution of Human and Physical Capitals in Farm Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures: Evidence from Corn Yields in US" by Dr. Yi-Chun Ko, AGI, Prof. S. Uchida, Nagoya City Univ, and Prof. A. Hibiki
& 27
EVENT Joint Workshop TU Research Center for Policy Design × Sophia Institute for Human Security
MAR14 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-003 Reviced from 23-003 "Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks"
by Yokohama City Univ. K. Tango, Ph.D. Student and Prof. Y. Nakazono, Visiting Prof.
MAR11 D P Discussion Paper TUPD-2024-001 "Tariffs on Input Trade Margins under Vertical Oligopoly: Theory and Evidence"
TUPD-2024-002 "Input Tariff in Oligopoly: Entry, Heterogeneity, and Demand Curvature" by T. Ara, Visiting Assoc. Prof.
FEB22 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, Optimal Progressive Income Taxation and Endogenous Marriage and Divorce by Dr. Akihisa Kato, Osaka University
FEB08 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, Pricing Implication of Centrality in an OTC derivative Market: An Empirical Analysis Using Transaction-Level CDS Data (joint work with Kouhei Maehashi and Kana Sasamoto) by Prof. Daisuke Miyakawa, Waseda University
JAN24 NEWS Discussion Paper TUPD-2023-012 "The Effect of Bank Recapitalization Policy on Credit Allocation, Investment, and Productivity: Evidence from a Banking Crisis in Japan" by Prof. H. Kasahara, Prof.Y. Sawada, & Dr. M. Suzuki published in Journal of Banking & Finance Vol.158, January 2024, 107047
JAN18 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, CEO Gender Bias in the Formation of Firm-to-Firm Transactions (joint work with Yutaro Izumi and Masayuki Yagasaki) by Prof. Hitoshi Shigeoka, University of Tokyo
JAN18 NEWS Discussion Paper TUPD-2022-018 "Willingness to Pay for Pesticide-free Vegetables: A Trade-off between Appearance and Pesticide Use" by Prof. K. Nohara published in nature, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11
JAN16 NEWS Prof. Hibiki joined Bangkok F.C. Signed a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with VEGALTA SENDAI and courtesy call to the Mayor
JAN12 NEWS Prof. Hibiki joined Graduate School of Economics and Management Signs a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with VEGALTA SENDAI
JAN04 EVENT TU Modern Economics Seminar, Stuck in a Marriage: The Impact of Income Shocks on Divorce and Intra-Household Allocation, by Prof. Wataru Kureishi, Tokyo Metropolitan University

» 2023