-008 | An Analytical Model of Search and Bargaining with Divisible Money Kazuya Kamiya and So Kubota |
-007 | Strategy-proof and anonymous allocation mechanisms in economies with an indivisible good Zhen Zhao |
-006 | Discrimination against birth month in the hiring process? The case of Japanese professional baseball Koji Yashiki |
-005 | Norms and Emotions Hiroki Saruya and Masayuki Yagasaki |
-004 | Substitution of Human and Physical Capitals in Farm Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures: Evidence from Corn Yields in US Yi-Chun Ko, Shinsuke Uchida and Akira Hibiki |
*Revision of 2023-003 | Subjective Monetary Policy Shocks Kento Tango and Yoshiyuki Nakazono |
-002 | Input Tariff in Oligopoly: Entry, Heterogeneity, and Demand Curvature Tomohiro Ara |
-001 | Tariffs on Input Trade Margins under Vertical Oligopoly: Theory and Evidence Tomohiro Ara |
» 2023