

TITLE Norms and Emotions
AUTHORS Hiroki Saruya

Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

Masayuki Yagasaki

Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University


Social norms are an important determinant of behavior, but the behavioral and welfare effects of norms are not well understood. We propose and axiomatize a decision-theoretic model in which a reference point is formed by the decision maker’s perceptions of which actions are admired (prescriptive norms) and which are prevalent (descriptive norms), and utility depends on the pride of exceeding the reference point or the shame of falling below it. The model is simple, yet provides a unified explanation for previous empirical findings, and is useful for welfare analysis of norm-evoking policies with a revealed preference approach.

KEYWORDS norms, reference dependence, pride, shame, public recognition, norm nudge
POSTED June 2024

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