The 2008 financial crisis is regarded as one of the most pivotal economic events in recent global history. It not only disrupted the financial systems of major industrialized nations but also plunged millions of people into a maelstrom of economic uncertainty worldwide. A further unsettling outcome of the crisis has been an increasing skepticism towards the predictive capabilities of Economics. Some of the prevailing economic models appear so detached from reality that they risk providing the public with a distorted view of the intricate systems that constitute the modern economy.
This seminar explores the new way of economic thinking that has been recently advanced by New Economists based in the UK. Students are encouraged to read critically about the methodologies of Economics and to make their own judgements as to what would be the appropriate method for understanding the substance of current economic problems.
Responding to the growing needs for global learning in the higher education sector, this seminar has been structured to foster the ability of undergraduate students to comprehend economic information in English.
このセミナーには,「『経済について学ぶ』 とはどういうことか」という根本的疑問に立ちかえり,経済問題の複雑さについて理解を深める狙いがあります。2008年の金融危機は不安定性・不確実性を拭えない近代経済の本質を露呈しました。それはまた,17世紀,西欧の国家形成期に芽吹くマクロ経済政策という政治的手法が,21世紀に入っても試行錯誤の段階にある現実を示す結果となりました。しかし,近視眼的施策を拙速に導入するあまり一般国民による検証を許さないデータが氾濫し,問題となっている事態の本質に近づく方向性すら未だ定まっていません。
講義・演習 |
英語対応 |
院 |
西欧経済史演習 |
Economic History of Western Europe
(bilingual) |
Comparative Economic History
(English only) |
経済史経営史 特別演習 |
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研究方法論 |
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部 |
経済史入門 |
Introduction to Economic History (bilingual) |
プレゼミ |
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経済史*1 |
Economic History
(bilingual) |
トピックス 経済史・経営史 |
Topics of Economic and Business History
(bilingual) |
西欧経済史演習 |
******** |
外国書講読 (廃止) |
Specialist Reading Class
(bilingual) |
経済と社会*2 |
Economy and Society
(bilingual) |
*1 2023年度より「経済史・経営史」へ名称変更
*2 全学教育科目