
表 題 Highway havens for hidden horrors: Expressway connections and child trafficking in China
著 者 Xinyan Liu


Yu Bai

東北大学経済学研究科 講師

Yanjun Li

東北大学経済学研究科 講師

Yajie Sun


掲載誌 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization  Volume 228, December 2024, 106765
要 旨

Child trafficking is a deep-seated social issue with enduring consequences that remain concealed or less obvious to the general public. We argue that the intensity of child trafficking increases as an indirect and unintended consequence of improved urban infrastructure, such as the construction of highways that facilitate the expedient transfer of victims between cities. To establish a causal relation- ship, we analyze data on child abduction and combine it with geo-referenced information on China’s highway routes. Using a staggered difference-in-differences approach and a city-to-city analysis, we find that the construction of highways in a city significantly leads to an increase in abducted children. Changes in both demand and supply factors following the highway construction could explain the in- crease in child trafficking.

キーワード 児童売買 Child trafficking; 高速道路 Expressways; ハイウエイ Highways; 輸送インフラ Transport infrastructure; 不法行為 Illegal behaviors; China.
発行年月 2024年 10月

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