
表 題 Information Effects of Monetary Policy
著 者 棚原 佑介


丹後 健人


中園 善行

横浜市立大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科 教授
東北大学経済学研究科 客員教授

掲載誌 Journal of the Japanese and International Economies , Volume 70, December 2023, 101276
要 旨

This study assesses two central bank announcements about monetary policy and the central bank’s assessment of the economic outlook. We examine whether these two components influence macroeconomic and financial variables under the effective lower bound (ELB) of short-term nominal interest rates in Japan. We identify two shocks: a surprise policy tightening that raises interest rates and reduces stock prices and the complementary positive central bank information shock that raises both. We find that the two shocks have different effects on the Japanese economy. In fact, a contractionary monetary policy shock decreases inflation rates, whereas a positive central bank information shock increases inflation rates. The evidence suggests that announcements conveying the central bank’s assessment of the economic outlook play a certain role in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy under the ELB. However, our study shows that the two series of shocks do not induce changes in output. This suggests that they have a limited impact on the economy.

キーワード 情報効果 information effects; 金融政策ショック monetary policy shock; 非伝統的金融政策 unconventional monetary policy
発行年月 2023年 7月

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