

TITLE Financial Systemic Risk behind Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from China
AUTHORS Jingyi Tian

Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University

Jun Nagayasu

Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University


As an important domain of information technology development, artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered significant popularity in the financial sector. While AI offers numerous advantages, investigating potential risks associated with the widespread use of AI has become a critical point for researchers. We examine the impact of AI technologies on systemic risk within China’s financial industry. Our findings suggest that AI helps mitigate the increase of systemic risk. However, the impact of AI differs across different financial sectors and is more pronounced during crisis periods. Our study also suggests that AI can decrease systemic risk by enhancing the human capital of financial firms. Moreover, the theoretical framework presented in this paper provides insights into the notion that imprudent allocation of AI-related investment could potentially contribute to an increase in systemic risk.

KEYWORDS Artificial intelligence; Financial systemic risk; Copula-CoVaR approach; Two-sector model; China
ISSUED November 2023

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