Past Workshop
2019.4.18 (Thu)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Yoshimasa Uematsu (Tohoku University)
"Review of the Knockoffs Inference
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Zhou Zhou (University of Tronto)
"Estimation and Inference for Precision Matrices of Non-stationary Time Series.
14:40-17:00 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Anthony Hayter (University of Denver)
" Recent Advances in Statistical Inference and Computational Methodologies
Satoshi KUriki (ISM)
" Existence and uniqueness of maximum likelihood estimators of Kronecker product covariances
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Xin Yuan (Tohoku University)
"Bivariate CARMA random fields
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Peter M Robinson (London School of Economics)
"Adaptive Inference on Pure Spatial Models (joint with Jungyoon Lee)
Large meeting room(map-C 16, 4F)
Workshop on Recent Progress
in Time Series: in honour of Peter Robinson
13:00-14:00 Peter M Robinson (LSE)
14:15-15:45, Eiji Kurozumi (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
Takamitsu Kurita (Fukuoka Univ.)
Yoshihiro Yajima (Tohoku Univ.)
16:00-17:10 Yuzo Hosoya (Tohoku Univ.)
Mototsugu Shintani (Univ. of Tokyo)
9:30-10:30Yoko Konishi (RIETI)
Yoshihiko Nishiyama (Kyoto Univ.)
10:45-11:45Haruhisa Nishino(Hiroshima Univ.)
Yan Liu(Kyoto Univ.)
12:00-13:00Muneya Matsui (Nanzan Univ.)
Yasumasa Matsuda (Tohoku Univ.)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Navruzbek Karamatov (Tohoku University)
"Analysis of financial network and the role of asymmetry in
stock and fund returns
17:00-18:00 Seminar room 5(map-C 16, 1F)
Hideatsu Tsukahara(Seijo University)
"On Some Resampling Procedures with the Empirical Beta Copula (joint work with Anna Kiriliouk and Johan Segers).
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Linh Nguyen (Tohoku University)
"Domain-to-Domain Translation Model for Recommender System
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Mirai Igarashi (Tohoku University)
"Specifying node characteristics by combining social network data and user-generated-content
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Junyue Wu (Tohoku University)
"A threshold extension of spatial dynamic panel model
""Spatial weight matrix estimation by LASSO
2019.7.18 (Thu)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Shih-Hsun Hsu (National Chengchi University)
"Macroeconomic Uncertainty Index in Taiwan
2019.7.25 (Thu)
14:40-16:10 Large meeting room 1(map-C 16, 4F)
Takashi Yamagata (University of York)
"A robust approach to heteroskedasticity, error serial correlation and slope heterogeneity for large linear panel data models with interactive effects
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Peter Brockwell (Cololado State University)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Michio Yuda (Tohoku University)
"The Unexpected Supply Shock on Tobacco Industry and Smoking Behaviors
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku University)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Yuichi Goto (Waseda University)
"Kolmogorov--Smirnov Tests for Laplace Spectral Density Kernels
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Yuta Kuroda (Tohoku University)
"Methods for Applied Empirical Research in Economics: Intuitive Idea of Causal Inference in Statistics
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Yohei Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi University)
"Testing jointly for structural changes in the error variance and coefficients of a linear regression model
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Hosoya Prize Lecture
Daisuke Kurisu (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Greg Allenby (Ohio State University)
"An Integrated Model of Text, Scaled Response and Choice Data
Large meeting room(map-C 14, 11F)
International Workshop on Marketing and Data Science
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)17H01001 and Center for Data Science and Service Research
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Takahiro Toriyabe (University of Tokyo)
"Introduction of parental leave policies and maternal employment in long-run
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Masakazu Ishihara (New York University)
"A Dynamic Structural Model of Endogenous Consumer Reviews in Durable Goods Markets
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Hisham Abdeltawab (Ain Shams University)
"Estimating the Effect of Governance on Economic Growth
14:40-17:50 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
14:40-16:10 Li Yinxing (Tohoku University)
"Optimizing the Advertising Strategies for the Railroad Network Based on the Consumer Behavior
16:20-17:50 Wataru Ohta (Osaka University)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map-C 16, 1F)
Masaaki Imaizumi (ISM)
" Statistical inference on M-estimators by high-dimensional Gaussian approximation