Past Workshop
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
Yasumasa Matsuda (Tohoku University)
"Spatial modeling of volatility matrices for high-dimensional financial time series
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
Jiangcang Zhuang (ISM)
"Hawkes models in social and natural sciences: estimation, diagnostics, and extensions
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
Gabriel Fuentes Cordoba 氏 (Tohoku University)
"Does the Recognition of Indigenous Territories Impact Household Economic Situations? Evidence from Western Panama
Yuta Kuroda (Tohoku University)
"Does disclosure of school quality information increase the disparity in academic achievement? The effect through the housing market
14:40-17:50 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
Shojiro Tanaka (Hiroshima University of Economics)
"Tangible Utilization of Remote Sensing Data in Socio-Economic Sciences
Masaya Saito (ISM)
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
Navruzbek Karamatov (Tohoku University)
"Jensen's Alpha measured under skew-symmetry model for error term distribution
14:40-16:50 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
14:40-15:40 Li Yinxing (Tohoku University)
15:50-16:50 Takaki Sato (Tohoku University)
"Spatial and temporal modeling of heteroscedastic volatility behaviors in social science
14:40-17:00 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
14:40-15:40 Xu Xia (EMLyon)
"Portfolio Optimization for Extreme Risk: A Pareto-Dirichlet Approach
16:00-17:00Natsuki Arai (NCCU)
"Investigating the Inefficiency of the CBO's Budgetary Projections
14:40-17:00 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
14:40-15:40 Zhenlin Yang 氏 (Singapore Management University)
"Specification Tests for Temporal Heterogeneity in Spatial Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects
16:00-17:00Shonosuke Sugasawa (Tokyo University)
"Spatial Estimation and Inference for Area-wise Income Distributions
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 1(map C-16 1F)
Olivier Le Courtois (EMLyon)
"Intensity of Preferences in the Presence of Bivariate Risks
16:00-17:00Yoko Konishi (RIETI)
"Comparison of inbound and domestic tourist flow in Japan: Zipf's law and Gibrat's law
16:20-17:50 Seminar room 401(map C-14 4F)
Shinya Tanaka (Aoyama Gakuin University)
"Statistical Inference on high-dimensional economic data through the desparsified Lasso: Monte Carlo evidence and its possible directions
14:40-17:00 Large meeting room(map C-16 4F)
14:40-15:40 Gary Koop (University of Strathclyde)
"Variational Bayesian Inference in Large Vector Autoregressions with Hierarchical Shrinkage
16:00-17:00Dale Poirie (University of California, Irvine)
"Mostly Harmless Bayesian Econometrics
Large meeting room(map C-16 4F)
Tohoku-UEA joint workshop
March 5(Tue)
9:30-10:30 Peter Moffatt (UEA)
10:45-12:15, domestic speakers
Midori Wakabayashi
Yoshimasa Uematsu
Yuta Kuroda
Session2.Environmental Economics
14:00-15:00 Corrado Di Maria (UEA)
15:15-16:45, domestic speakers
Akira Hibiki
Gabriel Fuentes
guest speaker
March 6(Wed)
Session 3. Marketing
9:30-10:30 Michael Kummer (UEA)
10:45-12:15,domestic speakers
Tsukasa Ishigaki
Linh Nguyen
Mirai Igarashi