
Workshops with International Researchers & Graduate Students

Friday, October 28
Research Center for Policy Design Workshop w/z Dr. Kripfganz, University of Exeter Business School, Dr. Cordoba, Sophia University, and Ph.D. Students
Click the poster for details & registration.
Tuesday, October 25 & Wednesday, October 26
Microeconometric Methods for Linear Panel Data Models Dr. Kripfganz, University of Exeter Business School
2 days lecture designed for graduate students. Click the poster for details & registration.
* Click image for details: Corporate by Inseikai Tohoku

We had a fantastic turnout for the seminars, with more than 20 participants in each session. Thank you!

» TUPD-2023-009 Regional dependencies and local spillovers: Insights from commuter flows Prof. Melanie Krause and Dr. Sebastian Kripfganz
» TUPD-2022-006 ardl: Estimating autoregressive distributed lag and equilibrium correction models Dr. Sebastian Kripfganz and Dr. Daniel C. Schneider
» TUPD-2021-006 The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Income Inequality: A Synthetic Control Analysis Dr. Gabriel Fuentes Cordoba and Niklas Uliczka

» and more