Past Workshop
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Yasumasa Matsuda (Tohoku University)
"Deep learning for multivariate volatility forecasting in high-dimensional financial time series"
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Tsukasa Ishigaki (Tohoku University)
"Case Studies of Service Research using Dimension Reduction"
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Li Yinxing(Tohoku University)
"Recommendation system with Marketing Environment and Customer Heterogeneity"
14:40-16:10 Large meeting room(map C-16 4F)
James Morley (University of Sydney)
"Does the Survey of Professional Forecasters Help Predict the Shape of Recessions in Real Time?
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Takuya Ishihara (Tohoku University)
"Causal Inference in Economics"
Runyu Dai (Tohoku University)
"Theories and Applications of Factor Models for High-Dimensional Time Series Analysis"
14:40- Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Jui-Chung Yang (National Taiwan University)
"Synthetic Historical Control for Policy Evaluation without Cross-sectional Controls"
14:40-16:10 Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Yoshimasa Uematsu (Hitotsubashi University)
"Portfolio Screening"
Takashi Yamagata (University of York)
"Revealing priors from posteriors with an application to inflation forecasting in the UK"
14:40- online
Masayuki Yagasaki (ESRI・University of Tokyo)
"The Impact of Central Bank Stock Purchases:Evidence from Discontinuities in Policy Rules"
15:00- Large meeting room(map C-16 4F)
Christina Atanasova (Simon Fraser University)
"The Effectiveness of Regulations in Electricity Markets:The Financial Impact of the Global Energy Crisis"
Yikai Zhao (Tohoku University)
"Credit Constraints, Corporate Transparency and Export: Evidence from China’s A-Listed Firms"
14:40- Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Ko Iat Meng (Tohoku University)
"Unveiling the Dynamics of Climate Change Effects on US Corn Yields: A Novel Approach for Measuring Adaptation"
15:00- Large meeting room(map C-16 4F)
Hosoya prize Lecture
Yoshimasa Uematsu (Hitotsubashi University)
"On the weak factor models"
14:40- Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Yuichi Goto (Kyushu University)
"Test for the existence of the residual spectrum with application to brain functional connectivity detection"
14:40- Lecture Rooms(map C-19 2F)
Jin Nonogami (VELDT Inc.)
14:40- Seminar room 24(map C-16 1F)
Mirai Igarashi (Osaka University)
"A Co-evolution Model of Network Formation and Content Generation on Social Reading Platform"
14:40- Large meeting room(map C-16 1F)
Koki Fusejima (Hitotsubashi University)
"Identification and estimation of treatment effects in a linear factor model with fixed number of time periods"
13:30-17:30 Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC)
Toward understanding consumer decision-making structure (Symposium)