24 Newcastle Record Committee
1 Extracts from the Newcastle upon Tyne Council Minute Book 1639-1656. 1920
2 Northumberland Pleas from the Curia Regis and Assize Rolls 1198-1272. 1922
3 The register of Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne ; From the Corporation Guild and Admission Books Chiefly of the Seventeenth Century 1923
4 Northumbrian Monuments ; or the Shields of Arms, Effigies and Inscriptions in the Churches, Castles and Halls of Northumberland 1924
5 Durham Monuments ; or the Shields of Arms, Effigies and Inscriptions in the Churches, Castles, and Halls of the County of Durham 1925
6 The register of Freemen of newcastle upon Tyne ;  From the Corporation Guild and Admission Books Chiefly of the Eighteenth Century 1926
7 Northumberland and Durham Deeds ; from the Dodsworth MSS in  Bodley's Library, Oxford 1929
8 Index of Wills, etc., in the Probate Registry, Durham ; and from othe sources 1540-1599 1928
9 A Volume of Miscellanea 1930
10 Feet of Fines ; Northumberland and Durham 1931
11 Feet of Fines ; Northumberland 1273-1346 1932
12 The Renaissance Herldry of the County Palatine of Durham ; From 1666-1800 1933