23 Middlesex County Records
1 J.C.Jeaffreson, A.T.Watson(Index) Indictments, Coroners, Inquests-Post-Mortem and Recognizances from 3 Edward VI. to the end of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth.
2 J.C.Jeaffreson, A.T.Watson(Index) Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders and Memoranda, temp. James I.       
3 J.C.Jeaffreson, A.T.Watson(Index) Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders and Memoranda and Certificates of Convictions of Conventiclers, temp. 1 Charles I. to 18 Charles II.        1888
4 J.C.Jeaffreson, A.T.Watson(Index) Indictments, Recognizances, Coroners' Inquisitions-Post-Mortem, Orders, Memoranda and Certificates of Convictions of Conventiclers, temp. 19 Charles II. to 4 James II. 1892