22 London Record Society 
1 H.M.Chew London Possessory assizes ; a calendar.  1965
2 D.V.Glass London inhabitants within the Walls, 1695.  1966
3 I.Darlington London consistory court wills, 1492-1547. 1967
4 F.W.Steer Scriveners' Company; common paper, 1357-1628: with a continuation to 1678. 1968
5 D.J.Rowe Place,Francis, 1771-1854. London radicalism, 1830-1834 : a selection from the papers of Francis place; 1970
6 H.M.Chew and M. Great Britain. Curia Regis. The London Eyre of 1244. 1970
7 G.A.J.Hodgett Holy Trinity Aldgate. The cartulary of Holy Trinity Aldgate[translated from the latin and] 1971
8 B.Dietz. The Port and trade of early Elizabeth London, document. 1972
9 B.Burch Croft, Pauline. The Spanish Company. 1973
10 E.M.Chew and W. Kellaway London assize of nuisance, 1301-1431 : a calendar. 1973
11 E.Welch Two Calvinistic Methodist chapels, 1743-1811 : the London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel. 1975
12 M.Weinbaum The London Eyre of 1276. 1976
13 A.K.Mchardy The Church in London, 1375-1392. 1977
14 T.W.Davis Committees for repeal of the Test and Corporation acts : minutes 1786-90 and 1827-8. 1978
15 J.M.Price Joshua Johnsons' letterbook 1771-1774 : letters from a merchant in London to his partners in Maryland. 1979
16 C.J.Kitchig London and Middlesex chantry certificate, 1548. 1980
17 H.Horwitz/W.A.Speck and W.A.Gray London politics, 1713-1717. 1981
18 P.Basing Parish fraternity register : fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and sebastian in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate. 1982
19 G.G.Harris The London Eyre of 1276. 1976
20 B.R.Masters Tinity House of Deptford transactions. 1609-35. 1983
21 G.F.Steckley Chamber account of the sixteenth century. 1984
22 D.Keene and V.Harding The letters of John Paige, London merchant, 1648-1658. 1984
23 M.H.Port A survey of documentary sources for property holding in London before the Great Fire 1985
24 T.V.Hitchcock The commissions for building fifty new churchs : the minute books, 1711-27, a calendar. 1986
25 E.Mason Richard Huttons complaints book : the notebook of the steward of the Quaker Workhouse at Clerkenwell, 1711-37. 1987
26 J.S.Loengard London viewers and their certificates, 1508-1558 : certificates of the sworn viewers of the city of London. 1989
27 H.S.Cobb The overseas trade of London exchequer customs account 1480-1. 1990
28 R.Paley Justice in eighteenth-century Hackney : the justicing notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney petty sessions book. 1991
29 R.G. Lang Two Tudor Subsidy Assessment Rolls for the City of London: 1541 and 1582 1993
30 D.T. Andrew London Debating Societies, 1776-1799 1994
31 V. Harding and L. Wright London Bridge: selected accounts and rentals, 1381-1538 1995
32 L.L. Giese London Consistory Court Depositions, 1586-1611: lists and indexes 1997
33 T. Hitchcock and J. Black Chelsea settlement and bastardy examinations, 1733-66 1999
34 C. Burgess The church records of St Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap, c1450-c1570 1999
35 H. Horwitz and J. Cooke London and Middlesex exchequer equity pleadings, 1685-6 and 1784-5 : a calendar 2000
48 G. T. Smith Summary justice in the city : a selection of cases heard at the Guildhall Justice Room, 1752-1781 2013