20 Lancashire and Cheshire@Record Society
1 H.Fishwick Lancashire and Cheshire church surveys, 1649-1655. 1879
2 J.P.Earwaker An index to the wills and inventories now preserved in the court of probate at Chester, from A.D.1545 to 1620. 1879
3 J.P.Rylands Lancashire inquisitions returned into the chancery of the duchy of Lancaster and now existing in the Public Record Office, London. 1880
4 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D.1621 to 1650. 1881
5 J.Croston The register book of christening, wedding, and burials, within the parish of Prestbury, in the county of Chester, 1560-1635. 1881
6 J.P.Rylands Chester and Lancashire funeral certificates, A.D. 1600 to 1678. 1882
7 W.D.Selby Lancashire and Cheshire records preserved in the Public Record Ofiice, London, Pt.1. 1882
8 W.D.Selby Lancashire and Cheshire records preserved in the Public Record Ofiice, London, Pt.2. 1883
9 W.A.Abram The rolls of burgesses at the guilds merchant of the borough og Preston, co. Lancaster, 1397-1682. 1884
10 H.Fishwick A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond preserved in Somerset House, London, from A.D.1457 to 1680; and of abstracts of Lancashire wills, belonging to the same archdeaconry, in the British Museum, from A.D.1531 to 1652. 1884
11 C.Fishwick A calender of Lancashire and Cheshire exchequer depositions by commission, from 1558 to 1702. 1885
12 Miscellanies relating to Lancashire and Cheshire.Vol.1. 1885
13 A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond ..., from A.D. 1681 to 1748. 1886
14 R.C.Christie Annals Cestrieness, or, chronicle of the abbey of S.Werburg, at Chester. 1887
15   An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D.1600 to 1680; with an appendix containing the list of the einfraf wills (or those in which the personalty was under ’40), between the same years. 1887
16 Lancashire inquisions... Stuart period, pt.2: 12 to 19. 1887
17 Lancashire inquisions... 1888
18 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D. 1681 to 1700; with an appendix containing the list of the ef 1888
19 J.Hall Memorials of the civil war in Cheshire and the adjacent counties, by Thomas Malbon, of Nantwich, gent., and Providence improved, by Edward Burghall, vicar of Acton, near Nantwich. 1889
20 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D.1701 to 1720; with an appendix containing the list of the einfraf wills. 1889
21 W.S.White The register book of christenings, weddings, and burials, within the parish of Leyland in the county of Lancaster, 1653 to 1710, with a few earlier etranscriptsf, 1622-1641. 1890
22 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D.1721 to 1740; with an appendix containing the list of the einfrafwills. 1890
23 A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond preserved in the court of probate at Lancaster, from 1748 to 1792; also a list of wills proved in the peculiar of Halton, from A.D.1615 to 1792. 1891
24 J.H.Stanning The royalist composition papers; being the proceeding of the committee for compounding, A.D. 1643-1660, so far as they relate to the county of Lancaster, extracted from the records preserved in the Public Record Office, London. 1891
25 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D. 1741 to 1760; with an appendix containing the list of the einfrafwills. 1892
26 The royalist composition papers. Vol.2: C-F. 1892
27 J.H.C.Vincent Lancashire lay subsidies; being an examination of the lay subsidy rolls remaining in the Public Record Office, London, from Henry ‡V to Charles ‡U. Vol. 1: Henry ‡V@to Edward ‡T, 1216-1307. 1893
28 W.A.Shaw Minutes of the committee for the relief of plundered ministers, and of the trustees for the maintenance of ministers, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, 1643-1660, Pt.1: 1643-1654. 1893
29 The royalist composition papers.Vol.3: G-H. 1896
30 W.F.Invine A collection of Lancashire and Cheshire wills not now to be found in any probate registry, 1301-1752. 1896
31 Miscellanies relating to Lancaster and Cheshire. Vol.2. 1896
32 H.Fishwick Pleadings and depositions in the duchy court of Lancashire, time of Henry ‡Z and Henry ‡[. 1896
33 Miscellanies relating to Lancaster and Cheshire. Vol.3. 1896
34 Minutes of the committee for the relief of plundered ministers. Pt.2: 1650-60. 1896
35 H.Fishwick Pleadings and depositions in the duchy court of Lancashire, time of Henry ‡[. 1897
36 The royalist composition papers.Vol.4: I-O. 1898
37 W.F.Invine An index to the wills and inventories preserved in the probate registry at Chester; from A.D. 1761 to 1780.Vol.1: A-M. 1898
38   An index to the wills and inventories at Chester.Vol.2: N-Z, with an appedix containing the list of the einfrafwills. 1899
39 W.Farrer Final concords of the county of Lancaster, from the original chirographs, or feet of fines, preserved in the Public Record Office, London. Pt. 1: 7 Richard ‡Tto 35 Edward ‡T, A.D. 1196 to A.D.1307. 1899
40 H.Fishwick Pleadings and depositions in the duchy court of Lancaster, time of Edward ‡Y and Philip and Mary. 1899
41 W.Farrer Some court rolls of lordships, wapentakes, and demesne manors of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, in the county of Lancaster, for the  17th and 18th years of Edward ‡U, A.D. 1323-4. 1901
42 E. Axton Manchester sessions. Notes of proceedings before Oswald Mosley(1616-30), Nicholas Mosley(1661-1672), and Sir Oswald Mosley(1734-1739), and other magistrates. Edited by Ernest Axton. Vol.ú@F1616-1622/23. 1901
43 Miscellanies relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. úC. 1902
44 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D. 1781 to 1790; with an appendix containing the list of the einfrafwills. 1902
45 An index to the wills and inventories at Chester, from A.D. 1791 to 1800; with an appendix containing the list of the einfrafwills. 1902
46 Final concords of the county of Lancaster... Pt. úA: Edward ‡U and Edward ‡V, A.D. 1307 to A.D. 1377. 1903
47 J. Barker A calender of the Lancashire assize rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, London. Pt. ‡T. 1904
48 W. Farrer Lancashire inquests, extents, and feudal aids. Pt. ú@: A.D. 1205-A.D. 1307. 1903
49 A calender of the Lancashire assize rolls ... Pt. 2. 1905
50 Final concords of the county of Lancaster... Pt. úB: John Duke of Lancaster, to Henry ‡Z, A.D. 1377-1509. 1905
51 J. H. E. Bennett The rolls of the freeman of the city of Chester. Pt.‡T: 1392-1700. 1906
52 Miscellanies relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. úD. 1906
53 Wm. F. Irvine Marriage licences granted within the archdeaconry of Chester in the diocese of Chester. Vol. ú@:1606-1616. 1907
54 Lancashire inquests... Pt. úA: A.D. 1310-A.D. 1333. 1907
55 The rolls of the freeman of the city of Chester. Pt. 2: 1700-1805. 1908
56 Marriage licences... Vol.úA: 1616-1624. 1908
57 Marriage licences... Vol.úB: 1624-1630. 1909
58 Pedigrees made at the visitation of Cheshire, 1613.
59 R. Stewart-Brown Accounts of the chamberlains and other officers of the county of Chester, 1301-1360. 1910
60 Final concords of the county of Lancaster... Pt. úC: Henry ‡[ to Philip and Mary, A.D. 1510-1558. 1910
61 Marriage licences... Vol. úC: 1639-1644. 1911
62 R. Stewart-Brown An index to the wills and administrations, including the einfrafwills, preserved in the probate registry at Chester, for the years 1801-1810, both inclusive. Pt. ú@: A to L. 1911
63 An index to the wills and administrations at Chester... Pt. úA: M to Z. 1912
64 M. V. Taylor Liber Luciani de laude Cestrie, written about the year 1195 and now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Extracts from the ms. 1912
65 Marriage licences... Vol. úD: 1661-1667. 1912
66 A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond..., from 1793 to 1812; also a list of the wills proved in the peculiar of Halton, from 1793 to 1812. 1913
67 J. Brownbill A calender of that part of the collection of deeds and papers of the Moore family, of Bankhall, co. Lanc., now in the Liverpool public library. 1913
68 J. Brownbill The ledger book of Vale Royal abbey. 1914
69 Marriage licences... Vol. úE: 1667-1680. 1914
70 Lancashire inquests... Pt. úB: A.D. 1313-A.D. 1355. 1915
71 R. Stewart-Brown Lancashire and Cheshire cases in the court of star chamber. Pt. ú@. 1916
72 J. Brownbill The royalist composition papers... Vol. úD: P-R. 1917
73 Marriage licences... Vol. úF: 1680-1691. 1918
74 J. Brownbill Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness and Copeland, part of the archdeaconry of Richmond, now preserved at Lancaster. Pt. ú@: 1648-1710. 1920
75 R. Stewart-Brown Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness, Copeland and Amounderness... Pt. úA. 1711-1722. 1921
76 F. C. Beazley Calender of persons commermorated in monumental inscriptions and of abstracts of wills, administrations, etc., contained in books relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. 1922
77 Mariage licences... Vol. úG: 1691-1700. 1924
78 Wm. A. Tonge An index to the wills and administrations, including the einfrafwills preserved in the probate registry at Chester, for the years 1811-1820, both inclusive. Pt. ú@: A to L. 1928
79 An index to the wills and administrations at Chester... Pt. ú@: M to Z. 1928
80 Wm. A. Tonge Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness, Copeland and Amounderness... Pt. úB: 1723-1728. 1932
81 Wm. A. Tonge Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness, Coprland and Amounderness... Pt. úC: 1729-1734. 1932
82 Wm. A. Tonge Marriage bonds of the ancient archdeaconry of Chester now preserved at Chester. Pt. ú@: 1700-1706/7. 1933
83 Wm. A. Tonge Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness, Copeland and Amounderness... Pt. úD: 1734-1738. 1933
84 R. Stewart-Brown Cheshire inquisitions post mortem, Stuart period, 1603-1660. Vol. ú@: A-D. 1934
85 Wm. F. Irvine Marriage bonds of the ancient archdeaconry of Chester... Pt. úA: 1707-1711. 1935
86 Cheshire inquisions post mortem... Vol. úA: E-O. 1935
87 T. C. Hughes The rolls of the freeman of the borough of Lancaster, 1688 to 1840. Pt. 1: A-L. 1935
88 J. H. Lumby A calender of the deeds and papers in the possession of Sir James de Hoghton, bart., of Hoghton Tower, Lancashire. 1936
89 F. A. Bailey A selection from the Prescot court leet and other records, 1447-1600. 1937
90 The rolls of the freeman of the borough of Lancaster... Pt. 2: M-Z. 1938
91 Cheshire inquisitions post mortem... Vol. úB: P-Y. 1938
92 R. Stewart-Brown Cheshire in the pipe rolls, 1158-1301. Transcribed from 1237 by Mabel H. Mills. 1938
93 J. H. Lumby A calender of the Norris deeds(Lancashire), 12th to 15th century, from the originals in the British Museum, the university of Liverpool, and the Liverpool free public library. 1939
94 J. Bennett and J. Dewhurst Quarter sessions records, with other records of the justices of the peace for the county palatine of Chester, 1559-1760. 1940
95 The royalist composition papers... Vol. úE, pt. 1: S-We. 1941
96 The royalist composition papers... Vol. úE, pt. 2: We-Y. 1942
97 P. H. Lawson Marriage bonds of the ancient archdeaconry of Chester... Pt. úB: 1711-1715. 1942
98 R. S. France The registers of estates of Lancashire papists, 1717-1788. Vol.ú@: 1717. 1945
99 R. Dickinson A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond and now preserved at the probate court, Lancaster, from 1813 to 1837. 1947
100 R. Dickinson Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness, Copeland and Amounderness... Pt. úE: 1739-1745. 1949
101 P. H. Lawson Marriage bonds of the ancient archdeaconry of Chester... Pt. úC: 1715-1719. 1949
102 R. S. France The Thieveley lead mines, 1629-1635. 1951
103 E. E. Barker Talbot deeds, 1200-1682. 1953
104 F. A. Bailey The churchwarden's accounts of Prescot, Lancashire, 1523-1607. 1953
105 A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond..., from 1838 to 1858. 1953
106 M. J. Groombridge Calender of Chester city council minutes, 1603-1642. 1956
107 R. Dickinson An index to the wills and administrations formerly preserved in the Probate Registry, both inclusive. 1961
108 R. S. France The registers of estates of Lancashire papists, 1717-1788. Vol. úA. 1960
109 A Lancashire miscellary. 1965
110 The great diurnal of Nicholas Blundell of Little Crosby, Lancashire, Vol. 1, 1702-1711. 1968
111 K.P.Nilson Chester customs accounts 1301-1566. 1969
112 The great diurnal of Nicholas Blundell of Little Crosby, Lancashire, Vol.2. 1970
115 Marriage bonds for the deaneries of Lonsdale, Kendal, Furness, Copeland and Amoundernessc Pt. úF. 1975
116 E. W. Ives Letters and accounts of William Brereton of Malpas. 1976
117 R. S. France The registers of estates of Lancashire papists, 1717-1788. Vol. úB. 1977
118 R. and F. Dickinson Index to wills and administrations formerly preserved in the probate registry, Chester, 1831-1853. 1978
119 G. O. Lawton Northwich hundred poll tax 1660 and hearth tax 1664. 1979
120 F. Dickinson Index to wills and administrations formerly preserved in the probate registry, Chester, 1834-1837. 1980
123 R. N. Dore The letter books of Sir William Bereton,  Vol. 1: January 31st -may 29th 1645. 1984
125 P. H. Lawson and A. D. Carr Account of Master John de Burnham the younger, chamberlain of Chester, of the revenues of the counties of Chester and Flint Michaelmas 1361 to Michaelmas 1362. 1991
126 G. Barraclough The Charters of the Anglo-Norman earls of Chester, 1071-1237. 1988
127 J.Addy The diary of Henry Prescott, LL.B., Deputy registrar of Chester Diocese, Vol. 1, 28 March 1704-24 March 1711 1987
128 R. N. Dore The letter books of Sir William Bereton, Vol. 2: June 18th 1645-Feburary 1st 1645/6.
129 D. J. Dutton Odyssey of an Edwardian liberal : the political diary of Richard Durning Holt. 1989
130 A. G. Crosby The family records of Benjamin Shaw, mechanic of Dent, Dolphinholme, and Preston, 1772-1841. 1991
131 C. B. Phillips and J. H. Smith Stockport probate records. 1992
132 J.Addy The diary of Henry Prescott, LL.B., Deputy registrar of Chester Diocese, Vol. 2, 25 March 1711-24 May 1719
134 R. Cust The papers of Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1st bart.(1585-1645). 1996
135 J. D. Martin The account book of Clement Taylor of Finsthwaite, 1712-1753. 1997
136 M. Power Liverpool town books 1649-1671. 1999