6 Camden Society, Old Series.
J.Bruce Historie of the arrivall of Edward ‡W in England and the finall recouerye of his kingdomes from Henry‡Y, A.D.1471.
J.P.Collier Kynge Johan. A play in two parts, by John Bale.
T.Wright Alliterative poem on the deposition of King Richard‡U; Ricardi Maydiston de concordia inter Ric.‡U et civitatem London.
T.Stapleton Plumpton correspondence. A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward ‡W, Richard‡V, Henry‡Z and Henry‡[.
W.J.Thoms Anecdotes and traditions, illustrative of early English history and literature, derived from ms. sources.
T.Wright The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward‡U.
J.Bruce Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Sir John Hayward, knt.,D.C.L. [ob. 1627].
J.Hunter Ecclesiastical documents, viz.1: A brief history of the bishoprick  of Somerset from its foundation to the year 1174. 2: Charters from the library of Dr.Cox Macro.
H.Ellis Speculi Britanniae pars : an historical and chorographical description of the county of Essex, by John Norden, 1594.
J.O.Halliwell A chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of King Edward ‡W.
A.Dyce (intro & note) Kemps nine daies wonder, performed in a daunce from London to Norwich.
J.P.Collier The Egerton papers. A collection of public and privatwe documents, chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James‡T.
J.G.Rokewood Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasterii sancti Edmundi.
T.C.Croker Narratives illustrative  of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690.
J.O.Halliwell The chronicle of William de Rishanger of the barons' wars. The miracles of Simon de Montfort.
T.Wright The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes.
J.A.Cramer The second book of the travels of Nicander Nucius, of Corcyra.
J.Robson Three early English metrical romances, with an introduction and glossary.
J.O.Halliwell The private diary of Dr. John Dee, and the catalogue of his library of manuscripts.
J.H.Todd (intro & note) An apology for Lollard doctrines, attriibutted to Wicliffe.
W.Jerdan Rutland papers. Original documents illustrative of the courts and times of Henry‡Z@and Henry‡[, selected from the archives of his Grace the Duke of Rutland.
J.Hunter The diary of Dr. Thomas Cartwright, bishop of Chester, commencing at the time of his elevation to that see, Augst 1686, and terminating with the visitation of St. Mary Magdalene College, Oxford, October 1687.
H.Ellis Original letters of eminent literary men of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.
T.Wright A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery in 1324 by Richard de Ledrede, bishop of Ossory.
Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon anglolatinum princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido Grammatico dicto e predicatoribus Lenne Episcopi, Northfolciensi, A.D.circa MCCCCXL. Ad fidem codicum recensuit Albertus Way. Tomus‡T.
T.Wright Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monasteries.
J.Bruce Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, during his government of the Low Countries, in the years 1585 and 1586.
G.J.Aungier Croniques de London, depuis l'an 44 Hen.‡V jusqu'a l'an 17 Edw.‡V.
H.Ellis Three books of Polydore Vergil's English history, comprising the reigns of Henry‡Y, Edward ‡W, and Richard‡V.
J.O.Halliwell The Thornton romances. The early English metrical romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant.
J.Bruce Verney papers. Notes of proseedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Charles‡T, printed from original pencil memoranda taken in the House by Sir Ralph Verney, knight, member for the borough of Aylesbury.
L.Braybrooke The autobiography of Sir John Bramston, K.B., of Skreens, in the hundred of Chelmsford.
W.Jerdan Letters from James, Earl of Perth, lord chancellor of Scotland, etc., to his sister, the Countess of Erroll, and other members of his family.
T.Stapleton De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam que contingebant temporibus illis ab anno MCLXXVIII ad annum MCCLXXIV, cum appendice.
J.G.Nichols The chronicle of Calais in the reigns of Henry‡Z and Henry‡[ to the year 1540.
H.Ellis Polydore Vergil's English history. Vol.1, containing the first eight books, comprising the period prior to the Norman conquest.
C.A.Sneyd A relation, or rather a true account, of the island of England ; with sundry particulars of the customs of these people, and of the royal revenues under King Henry seventh, about the year 1500.
W.Atthill Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the collegiate church of Middleham, in the county of York ; with an historical introduction and incidental notices of the castle, town, and neighbourhood.
The Camden miscellany. Vol.1.
P. de M.G.Egerton A commentary of the services and charges of William Lord Grey of Wilton, K.G., by his son Arthur Lord Grey of Wilton, K.G., with a memoir of the author and illustrative documents.
G.Roberts Diary of Walter Yonge, esq., justice of the peace, and M.P. for Honiton, written at Colyton and Axminster, co. Devon, 1604-1628.
J.G.Nichols The diary of Henry Machyn, cxitizen and merchant-taylor of London, 1550-1563.
H.Ellis The visitation of the county of Huntingdon, under the authority of William Camden, Clarenceux king of arms, by his deputy Nicholas Charles, Lancaster herald, 1613.
H.Ellis The obituary of Richard Smyth, secondary of the Poultry Comptor, London ; being a catalogue of all such persons as he knew in their life ; extended from 1627 to 1674.
J.M.Kemble Certaine considerations upon the government of England, by Sir Roger Twysden, kt. and bart.
J.Bruce Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James‡Y of Scotland.
T.Stapleton Chronicon Petroburgense.
J.G.Nichols The chronicle of Queen Jane, and of two years of Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat, written by a resident in the Tower of London.
S.Tymms Wills and inventories from the registers of the commissary of Bury St. Edmund's and the archdeacon of Sudbury.
T.Wright Gualteri Mapes de nugis curialium distinctiones quinque.
H.Ellis The pilgrymage of Sir Richard Guylforde to the Holy Land, 1506.
J.Y.Akerman Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles‡Uand James‡U, from 30th March, 1679, to 25th Desember, 1688.
J.G.Nichols Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London.
Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon anglolatinum princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido Grammatico dicto e predicatoribus Lenne Episcopi, Northfolciensi, A.D.circa MCCCCXL. Ad fidem codicum recensuit Albertus Way. Tomus.‡U. [M-R].
The Camden miscellany. Vol.2.
J.Bruce Letters and papers of the Verney family down to the end of the year 1639.
J.Morton The Ancren Riwle : a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life.
T.T.Lewis Letters of the Lady Brilliana Harley, wife of Sir Robert Harley, of Brampton Bryan, Knight of the Bath.
J.Webb A roll of the household expenses of Richard de Swinfield, bishop of Hereford, during part of the years 1289 and 1290.
J.G.Nichols Grants, etc., from the Crown during the reign of Edward the Fifth, from the original docket-book, ms. Harl. 433, and two speeches for opening parliament by John Russell, bishop of Lincoln, lord chancellor.
The Camden miscellany. Vol.3.
J.Webb A roll of the household expenses of Richard de Swinfield, bishop of Hereford, during part of the years 1289 and 1290. Abstract, illustrations, glossary, and index.
J.Bruce Charles‡Tin 1646. Letters of King Charles the First to Queen Henrietta Maria.
J.S.Davies An English chronicle of the reigns of Richard‡U, Henry‡W, Henry‡X, and Henry‡Y written before 1471 ; with an appendix, containing the 18th and 19th years of Richard‡U and the parliament at Bury St. Edmund's, 25th Henry‡Y, and supplementary additions from the Cotton ms. chronicle called eEulogiumf.
L.B.Larking The Knights Hospitallers in England ; being the report of Prior Philip de Thame to the Grand Master Elyan de Villanova for A.D.1338.
M.A.E.Green Diary of John Rous, incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, 1625-1642.
J.P.Collier Trevelyan papers prior to A.D.1558.
R.Caulfield Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, LL.D., dean of Ross, and afterwards dean of Cork, from March 8, 1688/9, to September 29,1690.
W.H.Hale The domesday of St. Paul's of the year 1222, or registrumm de visitatione maneriorum per Robertum decanum, and other original documents relating to the manors and churches belonging to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, London, in the 12th and 13th centuries.
J.Bruce Liber famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke, a judge of the court of king's bench in the reigns of James‡T and Charles‡T.
W.D.Cooper Savile correspondence. Letters to and from Henry Savile, esq., envoy at Paris, and vice-chamberlain to Charles‡U and James‡U, including letters from his brother George, Marquess of Halifax.
M.L.R.de Lincy The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin, by Philippe de Reimes, a trouvere of the 13th century.
The Camden miscellany. Vol.4.
C.E.Long Diary of the marches of the royal army during the great civil war, kept by Richard Symonds.
W.D.Hamilton Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton, including sixteen letters of state written by him, with an appendix of documents relating to his connection with the Powell family.
J.Maclean Letters from George Lord Carew to Sir Thomas Roe, ambassador to the court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1617.
J.G.Nichols Narratives of the days of the reformation, chiefly from the manuscripts of John Foxe, the martyrologist ; with two contemporary biographies of Archbishop Cranmer.
J.Bruce Correspondence of King James‡Y of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and others in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; with an appendix containing papers illustrative of transactions between King James and Robert, Earl of Essex.
S.Williams Letters written by John Chamberlain during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
L.B.Larking and J.Bruce Proceedings, principally in the county of Kent, in connection with the parliaments called in 1640, and especially with the committee of religion appointed in that year.
S.R.Gardiner Parliamentary debates in 1610.
W.D.Cooper Lists of foreign protestants and aliens resident in England, 1618-1688.
J.G.Nichols & J.Bruce Wills from Doctors' Commons. A selection from the wills of eminent persons proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, 1495-1695.
J.P.Collier Trevelyan papers. Pt.2 : A.D.1446-1643.
R.Davies The life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York, or Marmaduke Rawdon the second of that name.
C.Monro Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou and Bishop Beckington and others, written in the reigns of Henry‡X and Henry‡Y.
The Camden miscellany. Vol.5.
J.Maclean Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew.
Promptorium parvulorum. [Tomus‡V.]
S.R.Gardiner Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the Thirty Years' war. [First series :] From the outbreak of the revolution in Bohemia to the election of the Emperor Ferdinand‡U.
W.H.Hale Registrum sive liber irrotularius et consuetudinarius prioratus beatae Mariae Wigorniensis.
J.C.Robertson Pope Alexander the Seventh and the college of cardinals, by John Bargrave, D.D., canon of Canterbury, 1662-1680.
J.C.Robertson Accounts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots.
J.G.Nichols History from marble. Compiled in the reign of Charles‡Uby Thomas Dingley, gent.
H.B.Wheatley Manipulus vocabulorum, a dictionary of English and Latin words, arrenged in the alphabetical order of the last syllables, by Peter Levins.
J.Bruce Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean, by Sir Kenelm Digby, A.D.1628.
J.G.Nichols History from marble. Vol.2.
S.R.Gardiner Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the Thirty Years' war. [Second series :] From the election of the Emperor Ferdinand‡U to the close of the conference at Muehlhausen.
J.Bruce Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, and of Bradbourne, Kent, barrister-at-law, 1602-03.
J.Bruce Notes of the treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles‡Tand the covenanters of Scotland, A.D.1640, taken by Sir John Borough, Garter king of arms.
S.R.Gardiner El hecho de los tratados del matrimoinio pretendido por el principe de Gales con la serenissima infante de Espana Maria, tomado desde sus principios para demonstracion de la verdad, y ajustado con los papeles oliginales desde consta por el maestro F.Francisco de Jesus, predicador del rey nuestro senor. Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty.
T.Wright Churchwardens' accounts of the town of Ludlow, in Shropshire, from 1540 to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
S.R.Gardiner Notes of debates in the House of Lords, officially taken by Henry Elsing, clerk of the parliaments, A.D.1621.
The Camden miscellany. Vol.6.
W.C. & C.E.Trevelyan Trevelyan papers. Pt.3 , with itroduction to pts.1,2, and 3.