The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries:
Records and Accounts 1606-1936
Reel 1 8256 King James T Charter of 1614 declaring the Apothecaries and Grocers as one (Enlish translation).
8251 Charter, Act, Orcinance Book.
8252 Engrossment book of Charter and Ordinances of 1617 and 1618.
8253 New Ordinances made and agreed by Court of Assistants 1818, with supplementary clauses 1824.
8254 Amended ordinances made by the Court of Assistants 1842.
8255 Amended ordinances made by the Court of Assistants 1878.
8293 Collection of copy acts and ordinances, 1618-1743.
8257 Miscellanea 1619-1849.
8205 The Records and Precedent Book 1621-1640.
8204 Sundry accounts and memorandum book 1669-1724.
8296 Mayoral precepts and orders 1661-1747.
Reel 2 Vol. 1 1617-51
Vol. 2 1651-80
Reel 3 Vol. 3 1680-94
Vol. 4 1694-1716
Vol. 5 1716-26
Reel 4 Vol. 6 1726-45
Vol. 7 1745-67
Vol. 8 1767-78
Vol. 9 1783-1806
Reel 5 Vol. 10 1806-17
Vol. 11 1817-33
Vol. 12 1834-45
Reel 6 Vol. 13 1845-58
Vol. 14 1859-70
Reel 7 Vol. 15 1870-82
Vol. 16 1882-97
Reel 8  Vol. 1 1661-72
Vol. 2 1673-76
Vol. 3 1676-80
Vol. 4 1680-83
Vol. 5 1684-87
Vol. 6 1687-90
Vol. 7 1660-95
Vol. 8 1715-21
Vol. 9 1727-33
Reel 9 Vol. 10 1733-43
Vol. 11 1743-49
Vol. 12 1766-76
Vol. 13 1776-83
Vol. 14 1831-39
Vol. 15 1839-45
Vol. 16 1845-54
Vol. 17 1855-62
Reel 10  8201A Rough Court Minutes 1841-22--2 Vols.
14,472 Court of Assistants' Special Committee Minute Book. 1833-1920.
8294 Lists of Members. 1674-1680.
8206 Registers of Freedom Admissions 1694-1890. Vols 1-5.
Reel 11  8207 Register of Apprentice bindings with accounts of Orphans Duty paid into Chamber of London. 1694-1836.
8208 Quarterage Books 1667-80, 1703-43. Vols 1-6.
8202 Warden's General Accounts 1626-1812. Vols 1-2.
Reel 12 8202 Warden's General Accounts 1626-1812. Vol. 3
Reel 13 8202 Warden's General Accounts 1626-1812. Vols. 4-6
Reel 14 8203 Warden's Accounts Book classfied by subject 1782-1802.
Warden's Ledger 1802-16. Vols. 1-3.
Reel 15 8231 Benefaction book. 1621-1831.
8286 Draft bill of proceedings in the Counrt of Star Chamber by Royal College of
Physicians the society for the sale of inferior medicine 1634-5.
8291 Papers relating to disputes between the Society and the Royal College of Physicians. 1700-1724.
8292 Papers relating to disputes between the Society and the Grocers' Company 1620-87.
8290 Papers relating to disputes between the Society and the Barbersurgeons' Company 1690-1708.
8295 Lists of names of petitioners (grobers distillers) to Parliament against the Society 1627.
8285 Draft bill of proceedings in the Court of Star Chamber by the society against several persons 1621-2.
8298 Letter by anonymous member of the Society to Parliament to strengthen the 1617 charter. 1747.
8284 Papers relating to petition by the Society to Parliament to strengthen the 1617 charter. 1747.
8281 Therapeutical and pharmacological common place book of the late 17th c. Also printed list of memer of 
the Society 1755-1771 and notes of the Friendly Medical Society. 1769-1800.
8255 Trade Account book (Navy stock and medicines dispensed) 1730-1772.
8261 Accounts of orders for drugs etc. to East India Co. 1827-1828
8277 Lab. mixture and process (dixpensing) book 1868-1872.
Reel 16  8214 Articles of agreement for the setting up and and govenance of a joint Lab. stock 1712.  
With signatures of Apothecaries. 1712-1767.
8215 Amended Lab. stock agreement 1767. With signed and sealed formulae of acceptance 1767-1775. 
8216 Constitution of Lab. stock, according to regulation of 1713-1774.  
8220 Minute book of the committee of managers and of the court of properties of the Lab. stock. 1741-51.
8221 Rough Minute book of the committee of managers and court of proprietors of the Lab. stock. 3 Vols. 1741-46, 1760-67.
8226 Lab stock. Accounts of subscribers' shares 1728-1817.
8213 Articles of agreement for the provision of medicines to the Royal Navy 1703. With acceptance. 1745-1766.
Reel 17 8223 Minute books of the court and general meeting of proprietors of united stock. 1823-66. Vols. 1-3.
21744 Inventory of Lab and workshop equipment with valuation. 1823.
8228 Chelsea Physick garden committee-minute books. 1731-1862.
Reel 18 8287 Admin. Pepers of Chelsea Physick garden. 1722-1812.
8236 Chelsea Physick garden order book 1771-1829.
8237 Chelsea Physick garden memorandum book.
8235 Catalogues of specimens plants from Chelsea Physick garden 1722-66. 1768-97. 2 Vols.
8229 Account for work done at the hall and at the Chelsea Physick garden. 1841-1843.
8278 Friendly Medical Soc. Minute books 1775-1844 and 1875-1917. Vols. 1-5.
Reel 19 8299 Papers relating to proceedings of the Association of Apothecaries etc. 1812-17.
8211 Minute Books of proceedings of the committee for obtaining an Act of Parliament for the regulation of Apothecaries.
1814-49. Vols. 1-2.
8212 Minutes book of Act of Parliament re. changes in medical laws 1840-50.
8238 Record of information against unqualified practioners. Alphab etical order. 1825-35. Alphab. 2 Vols.
8239 Court of Examiners' minute books 1815-99. Vol. 1.
Vol. 1 1815-19
Reel 20 Vol. 2 1819-23
Vol. 3 1823-28
Vol. 4 1828-33
Reel 21 Vol. 5 1833-40
Vol. 6 1840-49
Vol. 7 1849-58
Reel 22  Vol. 8 1858-64
Vol. 9 1864-72
Vol. 10 1872-81
Reel 23  Vol. 11 1881-89
Vol. 12 1889-97
Reel 24  Vol. 13 1897-99
10,809 Copy of correspondance between the court of Assistants. And the court of examiners relating to Medical Practise bill.
8301 Petition by medical students to the court of examines against requiring advanced knowledge of Latin medical classics c. 1850.
8243 Court of examines: recognition of lectures. 1831-5, 1839-51.
Vol. 1 1831-32
Vol. 2 1832-33
Reel 25 Vol. 3 1833-34
Vol. 4 1834-35
Reel 26 Vol. 5 1835-36
Vol. 6 1835-39
Reel 27 Vol. 7 1835-39
Vol. 8 1837-40
Reel 28  Vol. 9 1838-42
Vol. 10 1839-51
Reel 29  Vol. 11 1840-44
Vol. 12 1842-45
Reel 30 Vol. 13 1844-48
Vol. 14 1846-50
Reel 31 Vol. 15 1848-50
Vol. 16 1849-52
Reel 32 Vol. 17 1852-54
Vol. 18 1853-57
Reel 33 Vol. 19 1855-59
Vol. 20 1857-60
Reel 34 Vol. 21 1858-61
Vol. 22 1861-63
Reel 35  Vol. 23 1863-67
Vol. 24 1865-67
Reel 36 Vol. 25 1867-71
Vol. 26 1870-72
Reel 37  Vol. 27 1872-76
Vol. 28 1876-77
8242A Court of Examiners supplementary register books (hall registers). 1869-72. 2 Vols.
Reel 38 8246 Register candidates for examination. 2 vols. 1844-52.
Vol. 1 1820-26
Vol. 2 1826-31
MS 8240: CONT.
Reel 39  Vol. 3 1831-39
Vol. 4 1839-47
Vol. 5 1847-57
Reel 40 Vol. 6 1857-66
Vol. 7 1866-75
Vol 8 1876-85
Reel 41  Vol. 9 1885-95
Vol. 10 1895-99
8245 Court of Examiners. List of persons examined with record of approval/rejection. 1835-57.
Reel 42 8247 Court of Examiners Registers of candidates who have been advised to take further time. In alphabetical order. 1831-1855.
8248 Court of Examiners' register of candidates referred. 1833-38.
8249 Court of Examiners' notes on candidates referred. 1820-67. 7 Vols.
Vol. 1 1820-29
Vol. 2 1829-32
Vol. 3 1832-35
Vol. 4 1835-37
Vol. 5 1838-41
Reel 43 8249 Vol. 6 1841-57
Vol. 7 1857-67
Vol. 1 1815-19
Vol. 2 1819-23
Reel 44 Vol. 3 1823-26
Vol. 4 1826-29
Reel 45 Vol. 5 1829-32
Vol. 6 1832-35
Reel 46  Vol. 7 1835-36
Vol. 8 1836-37
Vol. 9 1837-38
Reel 47 Vol. 10 1838-39
Vol. 11 1839-40
Vol. 12 1840-41
Vol. 13 1841-43
Reel 48 Vol. 14 1843-46
Vol. 15 1846-49
Vol. 16 1849-52
Reel 49 Vol. 17 1852-55
Vol. 18 1855-58
Vol. 19 1858-60
Reel 50 Vol. 20 1860-63
Vol. 21 1863-67
Reel 51 Vol. 22 1867-71
Vol. 23 1871-77
Reel 52 Vol. 24 1877-85
Vol. 25 1885-88
8241A Court of Examiners' separate indices to entry books. 1836-43. 5 Vols.
Vol. 1 1836-37
Vol. 2 1838-39
Vol. 3 1839-40
Vol. 4 1840-41
Vol. 5 1841-43
Reel 53 8244 Court of Examiners' register of dates of qualification 1828-58.
10979 Court of Examiners' candidates qualification entry books-exams for individual disciplines.
Vol. 1 1888-97
Vol. 2 1897-99
Reel 54 8241B Court of Examiners' alphabetical register of Licentiates 1815-(1954).
Vol. 1-2.
10989 Court of Examiners' candidates subscription book upon receiving licences.
Reel 55 8230 Album Amicorum 1632-1634.
8297 Correspondence and papers relating to apprentice bindings 1835-1837.
8260 Widows fund account book 1815-1895.
Reel 56  8209A Rough Cash Books
Vol. 1 1807-12
Vol. 3 1824-35
Vol. 4 1879-95
Reel 57  8209A Rough Cash Books
Vol. 5 1896-1913
Vol. 6 1914-31
10987 Court of Examiners: Fee Books
Vol. 1 1846-58
Vol. 2 1858-64
Vol. 3 1863-70
Reel 58  10987 Court of Examiners: Fee Books
Vol. 4 1871-77
21746 Rental Of Company Property 1882-1899.
21747 Court Of Examiners: List of Candidates 1858-1861.
Vol. 1 1858-61 1866-69
Vol. 2 1869-83
Reel 59  8209 Warden's Cash Books 1802-1902.
Reel 60  8226 Account Book. 1728-1817.
8281 Therapuitical and pharmacological book. 1769-1800.
8284 Petition. 1747.
10981 Court of examiners 1862-85. 2 Vols.