The Fellowship Porters, The Tacklehouse &Ticket Porters, The Comb Makers.
-World Microfilm, London, ; 13reels, 35mm.

The Fellowship Porters

Reel MS Date
1 444 Acts of Common Countcil. 1620-56
1591 Rules, Ordinances. 1566
1696 Quarterly Account Books, vols. 1-2. 1826-70
1697 Names and Sentences of Porters brought before Court of Rules for misconduct. 1861-70
1698 Monthly Porterage Account Books, vols.1-2. 1880-94
2 1699 Collectors' Account Books, 3 vols. 1778-91, 1867-84
1700 Regulations and Orders. 1795-1888
3 1701 Alphabetical list of Porters with years of admission. 1845-67
1702 Court Minute Books vols.1-2. 1756-1881(4vols)
4 1702(cont'd) Court Minute Books vols.3-4.
1703 Acts of Common Council. 1621-1704
5 1717 Certificate of N. BOWEY recording payment of admission money to the Assoc. of Fellowship Porters. 1869
3831 Quarterage Books vols.1-3. 1867-91
3832 Alphabetical list of Porters with years of admission and some addresses. 1867-91
6 3833 Ledger 1880-91
3834 Cash Book 1884-95
4790 Acts of Common Council. 1619-1745
The Tackle House and Ticket Porters
7 913 Copy Orders and Ordinances, Proceedings. 1604-1765
914 Court of Registers and Rules Minute Book. 1810-44
915 Registers' Monthly Accounts of Receipts and expenditures vol.1. 1796-1869(2 vols)
8 915(cont'd) Registers' Monthly Accounts of Receipts and expenditures vol.2. 1796-1869
916 Miscellaneous Papers. 1738-1870
2706 `Articles of a friendly Society of Ticket Porters---' c.1759
The Tacklehouse and Ticket Porters(cont'd)
8 2836 Registers Annual Acount Books including lists of members, vol.1-3. 1673-1796 (10 vol
9 2836(cont'd) Registers Annual Acount Books including lists of members, vol.4-8.
10 2836(cont'd) Registers Annual Account Books including lists of Members, vol.9-10.
2837 Registers' Monthly Account Books of Receipts, vols. 1-3. 1739-79 (5 vols)
11 2837(cont'd) Registers' Monthly Account Books of Receipts, vols. 4-5.
2838 Registers' Monthly Account Books, 2 vols. 1773-89,1811-52
12 2839 Index to names of Porters. 1704-20
2840 Account Books of money disbursed to Pensioners. 1709-29
2933 Registers' Annual Account Books, 2 vols. 1795-1851
2934 Alphabetical list of Porters, Locations, dates of admission. Also Quarterage Payments, 2 vols. 1771-1837
2935 List of Porters arranged by location of stand. 1821-34
2936 Lists of Pensioners with quarterly amounts paid to them, 2 vols. 1788-1842
3455 Copy of Orders and Ordinances of the Society. 1604-1707
3456 Court of Registers and Rules Rough Minute Book. 1835-41
3846 Miscellaneous Papers. 1820-71
The Comb-Makers.
13 5415 Charter of Incorpolation, CharlesT. 1635
5416 Ordinances. 1637
5414 Journal Court Minutes Book. 1744-50