Mercers' Company Records
Mercers' Company (マイクロフィルム)
-London, J.R. Freeman, 19--?, -reels/35mm silver positive duplicate.

1 Names of All The Freeman of The Company.
Marginal Notes from Acts of Court, 1453-1744.
2 Acts of court: 1453-1560
3 Acts of court: 1560-1627
4 Acts of court: SPS 1513-1622
Acts of court: CO 1634-1649, 1619-1625
5 Acts of court: 1625-1641
6 Acts of court: 1641-1663
7 Acts of court: 1663-1693
8 Acts of court: 1693-1714
9 Acts of court: 1714-1742
10 Acts of court: 1742-1756
11 Acts of court: 1756-1776
12 Acts of court: 1776-1786
13 Acts of court: 1786-1804
14 Acts of court: 1804-1814
15 Acts of court: 1815-1820
67 Index to Acts of Court: 1951-1954
Wardens' Accounts: 1344, 1397-1464
Renterwardens' Accounts: 1442-1500
68 Renterwardens' Accounts: 1501-1577
69 Renterwardens' Accounts: 1577-1603
70 Renterwardens' Accounts: 1603-1624, 1618-1629
71 Renterwardens' Accounts: 1629-1639, 1624-1638
72 Renterwardens' Accounts: 1638-1654, 1639-1653
73 Renterwardens' Accounts: 1653-1666
Second Wardens' Accounts: 1617-1638
74 Second Wardens' Accounts: 1630-1648
75 Second Wardens' Accounts: 1639-1656
76 Second Wardens' Accounts: 1648-1658
Second & Renterwardens' Accounts: 1666-1676
77 Second & Renterwardens' Accounts: 1675-1699
78 Second & Renterwardens' Accounts: 1699-1706, 1706-1714(Part)
79 Second & Renterwardens' Accounts: 1706-1714(Part)
House Ledger 1: Tenants 1714-1734
House Ledger 1: Payments: 1714-1736(Part)
80 House Ledger 1: Payments: 1714-1736(Part)
House Ledger 2: Tenants 1734-March 1750(Part)
81 House Ledger 2: Tenants 1734-March 1750(Part)
Acts of General Court: 1800-1810(Part)
91 Acts of General Court: 1921-1928(Part), 1928-1937
Gresham Repertories: 1596-1625(Part)
92 Gresham Repertories: 1596-1625(Part), 1626-1669, 1669-1676(Part)
93 Gresham Repertories: 1669-1676(Part), 1678-1722, 1723-1739(Part)
94 Gresham Repertories: 1723-1739(Part), 1739-1753, 1753-1767(Part)
95 Gresham Repertories: 1753-1767(Part), 1767-1773, 1774-1806(Part)
96 Gresham Repertories: 1774-1823(Part)
97 Gresham Repertories: 1806-1823(Part), 1824-1829, 1830-1836(Part)
98 Gresham Repertories: 1830-1836(Part), 1837-1839, 1840-1843(Part)
99 Gresham Repertories: 1840-1843(Part), 1844, 1845-1847(Part)
100 Gresham Repertories: 1845-1847(Part), 1854-1860, 1861-1868(Part)
106 Laws & Ancient Ordinances of The Company
Registers of Benefactors' Wills, vol.1. vol.2(Part)
107 Registers of Benefactors' Wills, vol.2(Part)
Register of Writings, vol.1, vol.2(Part)
108 Register of Writings, vol.2(Part), vol.3
Register of Company's Lands, (Part)
109 Register of Company's Lands, (Part)
Register of Sales
110 Register of Leases, vol.1(Part)
111 Registers of Leases, vol.1-2(Part)
112 Registers of Leases, vol.2-3(Part)
113 Register of Leases, vol.3(Part)
Evidences of Dr. Colet's Lands
SPS Surveyors' Accounts: 1620-1638(Part)
114 SPS Surveyors' Accounts: 1620-1660(Part)
115 SPS Surveyors' Accounts: 1639-1660(Part), 1660-1682
116 Gresham Rent Accounts: 1658-1696
ST. Pauls School Surveyors' Accounts: 1682-1685
117 SPS Surveyors' Accounts: 1685-1714
Rentals & Abstracts, SPS Estate: 1770-1787, 1798-1806
118 Bill of J. Harrison, 1596
SPS Admission Registers 1743-1834, 1860-1876
Colet Ordinances -1518
Rental, SPS: 1813-1819
Ledger, 1775-1805
LIB. CAT. 1749
119 Gresham Account: 1596-1625
Gresham Renterwardens' Accounts: 1619-1658
120 A/C Repairs, Gresham College & Royal Exchange, 1670
A/C Reading Gresham Lectures, 1838-1876
Gresham Renterwardens' Accounts: 1695-1714
121 A/C of Reading Gresham Lectures: 1877-1938
122 Marginal Notes from Gresham Repertories: 1596-1800
Gresham Indexes Commening: 1901, 1954
123 Gresham Leases, vol.1
124 Gresham Leases, vol.2
Gresham Indexes: 1700-1900
125 A/C of Reading Gresham Lectures, 1838-1874
Trinity Hospital Ledger, 1752-1774
126 Contracts, R. Exchange, 1840
Trinity Hospital Ordinances, Letters Patent, Deed and A/Cs: 1640-1678
127 Trinity Hospital Journal: 1785-1806
Trinity Hospital Rental: 1775-1801
General Committee Minute Books: 1848-1883
Trinity Hospital Abstract: 1775-1785